Little Update 💀

35 1 1

May 19, 2024

Hey chat. Uh- I know it's been a couple months since my last update but I'M KINDA BACK AND WANTED TO SAY A COUPLE THINGS

First off: school's almost over which means that I should be back and available to update. I kinda lost motivation for a while and ran out of time over the weekends to actually write but I'm going to try my best and come back to this.

Secondly, sorry for suddenly disappearing lmao- I forgot that I even used Wattpad and it's been like 3 months since the last time I even opened the app.

Anyways, that's enough about me and my silly self. I'll try and pump out actual story updates when I get the chance. Sorry to all my faithful readers who started my little fan fiction and voted on every chapter just for me not to come back!

I'm trying to think if there's anything else for me to say. I think that's everything. Yeah-
Have a good day, y'all!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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