8.) He Admits His Feelings To You

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Paul: He takes you to the park for a picnic. Once you guys get there he says he has something important to tell you. He looked nervous but told you anyways. "Y/N I have fallen completely in love with you, would you do me the honor of becoming my girl?"

John: You and The Beatles were at an interview. Once the interview started, the lads started telling jokes like usual.
After they finished telling some really bad jokes, John got up from his seat and came up to you. He looked into your eyes and said "Since the day I met you, I knew you were the one for me. Would you do me the honor of becoming my bird?" while holding both of your hands.

George: George was walking you back to your house. Once you guys arrived at your doorstep, George took a hold of your hands and looked into your eyes. "Y/N I love everything about your personality. Your smile, your humour, Your kindness, etc.,
" Would you maybe, like to take a chance?"

Ringo: You and the lads were hanging out backstage after one of their concerts. You saw Paul whispering into Ringos ear while looking at you and wondered what they could be talking about. Out of nowhere, Ringo got up from his seat and came up to you. "I have to tell you something Y/N" with a nervous look. You then heard John scream "Just tell the lass already!" With that Ringo said "I've always had the biggest crush on you since we met. Would you love to be my girl?"

I hope you guys enjoyed!
- Stephanie (:

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