30.) Wearing something he owns

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Paul: Paul gave you one of his favorite warm jackets before he went on tour. You would wear it to sleep and feel like if he's there with you, cuddling you in his arms. The jacket also has his scent on it which just soothes you and makes you feel like he's next to you.

John: He lets you wear his buddy holly glasses. Sometimes when he
Is in the studio working on a song with the lads, you come up behind him and take his glasses away from him while you put them on smiling mischievously.

George: George lets you wear his t-shirts. Whenever you don't feel like looking through your clothes, he just
let's you use his shirts. The best part is that they have his scent on them.

Ringo: Ringo lets you wear his rings.
When he's sleeping, you take his rings away from him and in the morning he's always wondering were his rings are.

- I hope you guys enjoyed!
I'm so sorry for not updating in a whole week loves! :(
I've been really busy with school lately! I hope you guys
understand :( I'll try to update at least 2 times a week!
Peace and Love xx -Stephanie

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