36.) Something romantic he does for you

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Paul: He takes you to one of his favorite restaurants by his neighborhood, and you guys have a lovely time enjoying the food and well just spending some time with each other.

John: You guys have a picnic at Strawberry Fields. He brings along his guitar and serenades you. "The kiss my lover brings, she brings to me, and I love her" he sings softly while looking into your eyes and smiling.

George: You and George go for a little stroll at the park. You guys just spend the whole time walking hand in hand and whispering sweet things into each others ears.

Ringo: Ringo takes you to an amusement park. You guys go onto the Ferris wheel and once you guys get to the very top, well, you know what happens from there ;)

I hope you guys enjoyed!
Have a lovely day everyone! :)

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