Chapter 11

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-Jacrone's POV

"Magic, madness, OMG!" I sang along.

"The minefield, it must have triggered the earthquake," YiChen kept muttering. Then she burst into a section of Style (by taylor swift) in a perfectly fine voice, "You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes, and I got the red lip classic thing that you like..." We were staring in shock, she could sing normally!

"Guys, to stop the earthquake once and for all, I need a stronger force to go against it. I'll create an ultimate mindfield and use nuclear bombs that are not very strong. Jing Yi, Memorie, can you combine your powers to create an earthquake. Tan Ying teleport us out of here as soon as we finish. Jacrone, with your speed, make the teleportation quick. Xinnan, gather everyone to make sure no one is left behind, including Tronale. The rest just make it as safe as possible." YiChen snapped out of it and said in an in-charge tone. Everyone nodded, not wanting to be hurt, by the earthquake and her. We did as we were told and everything went smoothly and the earthquake stopped. YiChen puffed out her chest and we had no choice but to listen to her. That girl has some temper! But you gotta admit, it is quite cool having to hang out with the group of them.

"Oh, look. A hole. He took my hand and dragged me headfirst, Fearless..." Tan Ying started to sing. "I closed my eyes and the flashback started... "

"Oh, to my surprise, Taylor Swift is a 3rd Generation powerer! Hehe!" Jenevie said. We all stared in surprise and the particular group was passing around YiChen's bubble-gum-ball-mint, not surprised at all.


-Tan Ying's POV

I saw Memorie and Jing Yi concentrating very hard -what is going on? Then I saw YiChen jerking like she always does when she is excited or about to get in a battle. I am hoping it is just her being excited. She perked up and suddenly asked, "Which one of us here is Taylor Swift's descendant?"

"Good question." Then, I picked out a bulgy thing from my backpack - it was the machine we found in the bunker.

"So you got it!" Jacrone exclaimed.

I then pressed it 250 years ago and found out that- what? I rubbed my eyes, I must be seeing things. How can it be?  


-Jing Yi's POV

Oh well, Tan Ying was Taylor Swift's descendant. He was now hopping all around. Luckiest guy ever. Tronale's. Now Taylor Swift's. WHY? JUST WHY?

"My ex-man bought his new girlfriend, she's like Oh My God, but I'm just gonna shake. And to the fella over there with the hella good hair... Wait, what is that?" Tan Ying suddenly burst into the rap section of Shake It Off.

"BOUGHT!?" Xinnan screamed with...horror...shock...everything you can think of. Yep, you heard him, BOUGHT.

"Um... Sorry for my speaking mistakes! But look what I found! It's a cave!" Tan Ying exclaimed.

"What's speaking mistakes?" I asked again.

"Okay, wrong grammar usage. Right." he emphasised.

Great! Now everyone are English perfectionists, I thought aloud.

"No, Jing Yi. Everyone is, not are." Tan Ying reminded.

The Adventures Of That Particular Group: Start Of Their Adventure (#Wattys2016)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon