Chapter 1: The Feelings

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I opened my eyes. At first I couldn't see anything. It was complete darkness. Straining, I focused and listened to the sounds around me. Silence. My vision slowly came back, but as it did I became more confused. Where was I? What the hell happened? I tried to move. That's when I realized where I was. I hurriedly snapped my eyes shut, attempting to stifle the tears. I gritted my teeth and tried to stand up as pain shot up my leg.

* * * *


"Jake! Would you come down here please?" My mom called from the kitchen. I was upstairs in my room, doing nothing in particular.

"Coming mom!" I walked down the stairs and turned towards the kitchen on the right. "What ya need?" I asked.

"Will you just put that silverware on the table? Your dad should be home any minute, and the Jackson's will be over soon after." My mom looked at me with her blue eyes for a few seconds, her face a little red from frustration.

"It's ok mom." I told her, "It's just dinner." My mom had a tendency to get overly flustered when she had guests over. Worrying if the house was clean, people being on time, etc. Our house was pretty much always spotless because my mom demanded it be that way. I bit my lip, stifling the laughter welling up in me. The last thing I needed was to make her mad when she is already frustrated.

"I know. Thanks for doing that for me," she said. Then she hesitated, her brow creased. "Do you know where your brother is? He was supposed to be home an hour ago." I thought about what Collin was up to. I knew he was simply dragging his feet on coming home from Sydney's house to avoid cleaning or doing anything else. He was always like that.

"You know how he is," I said. "He's at his dang girlfriends. He's just staying longer so he can get out of helping that's all."

It was during times like this I wished I had a girlfriend so I could have an excuse to get out of cleaning and whatnot, but then again, I wasn't really for a relationship at the moment. It just wasn't something I was looking for. Collin, on the other hand, wanted to have a girlfriend so bad, and when he and Sydney got together two summers ago, he was head over heels. It gagged me, because I wasn't into all that mushy stuff, not that I wouldn't want a romance or anything, I just got uncomfortable being around Collin when he was with her and they were all lovey-dovey.

"Yup that's definitely your brother. He better be home in time for dinner with the Jacksons though. He knows better than that," she said, pushing her blonde hair out of her face.

"I'll text him and ask him what the deal is," I said. After finshing putting the silverware on the table, I pulled out my phone. 'Where are you? Better hurry up or mom's gonna be mad,' I wrote. Message sent. He immediately responded. 'On my way now.' That was it. 'Ok.' I responded. "Collin's on his way right now," I told my mom as she was walking out of the room. She turned around.

"Great. Thanks," she said before disappearing from view. Just then I heard the garage door going up. I heard the door to the house open and then close. Dad came around the corner. "Hey dad." I greeted.

"Hi Jake. How's it going?" He gave me a wink. Dad knew exactly how mom was when people were coming over.

"Good I guess. You know how it is." He looked over at me, looking kinda tired. He smiled.

"Of course I do." He half-laughed. "I better go get ready for dinner. Where's Collin?" I hesitated, but then realized dad was the one who wouldn't care.

"Oh the usual. He's on his way back from Sydney's." I said. My dad gave a slight nod. Then he left the room to go to his room and change out of his work clothes.

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