Chapter 24: The Second Proposal

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[Author's Note: Contains brief sensual scenes]

Sean embraced me warmly and for a while we stood there, just inside the doorway, hugging each other silently. This man was my world, and I couldn't wait to show him the ring I had bought for him with my dad earlier today. Sean pulled back and grabbed my hand, running his finger gently over the silver band.

"It will never get old seeing this," he murmered, looking back up at my face, his chocolate brown eyes glittering. I smiled widely at him.

"It'll never get old wearing it," I replied, nuzzling my face in his neck. He hummed contently at that. "How was work today babe?"

"It was good, I just couldn't wait to get home to you," he said, rubbing his cheek against mine. I curled my finger under his chin and brought his lips closer, before capturing them completely with my own. I never tired of his taste, the feel of his lips, how soft they were. Every time it was like falling under a spell, one that would forever capture me. His tongue met mine and I gripped the sides of his face lovingly with my hands as he threw his arm around my neck and brought me closer to him, a small moan escaping his lips, which totally revved my engines. I loved hearing his husky moan. My body was heating up to the point where I felt like I was on fire. I summoned every ounce of strength I had to pull apart from his passionate kiss.

"C'mon," I said simply, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallway towards our bedroom. He followed behind me with a grin on his face the whole time. I stopped in the middle of the room and let go of his hand, turning back to face him. He slowly made his way over to me but I put a hand on his chest, stopping him a short distance away. I smirked and looked at him playfully. He arched an eyebrow and grinned sideways at me.

I slowly reached down for the hem of my shirt and pulled it slowly over my head, letting it drop to the floor as soon as my head was free of it. Sean had a glint in his eye as I moved down to the waistband of my jeans, slowly and teasingly undoing the button, stopping to look back at him, watching his reaction. His gaze became even more fierce as he watched, his eyes shining with anticipation and desire. I pulled my pants down slowly and stepped out of them, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs on as I walked over to the bathroom door. Sean's eyes watched my every move as he turned his head to follow me. He smirked as I turned my back to him from the bathroom door.

"Tease," he said playfully.

"You coming?" I asked as over my shoulder as I reached the shower nozzle and turned on the water. I moved to turn back to face him but he grabbed me by the hips and kissed my shoulder, pressing himself against me. He nipped my shoulder and then I turned my head to kiss his gorgeous lips again.

"Coming home to the best thing in the whole world," he whispered into my ear before he moved down and kissed my neck, still pressing himself against me, holding me to his chest. I turned around and pulled his shirt off, burning with desire. I grinned evilly at him before slipping out of my underwear and stepping backwards into the shower, letting the warm water fall over my shoulders. Sean quickly ditched the rest of his clothes and joined me, capturing my lips once more.

* * * *

The next morning I woke up in bed next to my beautful fiance. I was literally on cloud nine. I couldn't believe we were getting married soon. My head was on his chest and our legs were tangled together. This was how we usually slept, though sometimes Sean would lay his head on me and we took turns spooning each other. He was literally the most adorable guy ever.

My phone started vibrating on the nightstand next to the bed. I groaned and reached over for it as Sean shifted slightly and wrapped his arms around me. I looked at the time on the screen. It was only 9 o'clock on a saturday. Dad was calliing. I guess maybe he was wondering if I'd given Sean my gift yet. Considering we just got it last night, I shook my head at my dad but answered the phone anyway, trying to slip out of Sean's grasp and disturb him as little as possible.

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