Chapter 4: The Last Day

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It was raining outside this morning. I sat up in bed with the sheets tangled around my waist. Looks like I'm stuck inside today. The good part about that was I could easily avoid Kim. After talking with Collin about it last night I felt a little better about what had happened, even if I still felt like an asshole. Suddenly, Collin burst into my bedroom.

"Hey bro!" He said happily, jumping onto my bed and looking at me expectantly.

"What are you doing in my room?" I  asked, rolling my eyes.

"Making you get up," he said matter-of-factly, bouncing up and down slightly on the mattress. He was acting like a little kid. It brought back some memories of our childhood together. I smiled fondly.

"I think Mom is making waffles!" He said, shaking my shoulder while he was at it. "So c'mon! Get up!"

"You are awfully cheerful for such a gloomy morning," I pointed out, "I thought you weren't a morning person?" I raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously.

"Honestly do you have to be so serious all the time?" He said, waving a hand dismissively as he walked out, not giving me a chance to answer. I wonder if this has to do with his breakup. Maybe he's just trying really hard to be happy? Distracting himself by paying more attention to me since he doesn't have her anymore? I tried to shake off the thoughts. Whatever his reasons, at least Collin and I had gotten a little closer again over the last few days than we have been for a while. The change was nice.

I got up and walked out of my room and down the stairs, the sweet aroma of waffles filling my nostrils. I took a deep breath. "This smells delicious!" I announced as I entered the kitchen. My mom looked over at me.

"Good morning!" She greeted cheerfully. Perhaps she was aware of Collin's break up and was trying to compensate by making us breakfast since my mother had an extreme dislike for cooking.

"Morning," I replied as I sat at the bar, taking the stool next to Collin who was already seated.

"Couldn't find a shirt?" He asked sarcastically, slapping my bare back.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked, scowling at him. He just laughed.

"I'm just messing with ya!" He ruffled my hair and started eating his breakfast, swirling the cut up piece of waffle around in the syrup and butter.

"Collin, are you okay?" I asked cautiously.  I didn't want to upset him.

"Yeah, why?" He asked.

"You're just really cheery today, and it's kinda not like you." I told him. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, well I've just decided to be more happy. I don't wanna sit and mope around about Sydney. I'd honestly rather enjoy the time I have with you buddy." He smiled at me genuinely.

"Oh that's nice boys," my Mom chimed in as she finished cooking and cleaning up. "It makes me happy to see you guys getting along."

"Mom, we've always gotten along," Collin said. I stifled the laughter in my throat. It was true we got along pretty well, but being brothers so close in age, we certainly had our moments.

"I know. I love you both so much," Mom replied. "I'm the luckiest mom in the world." She came over and hugged us both. Collin and I told her we loved her too at the exact same time. She then disappeared out of the kitchen. I finished my breakfast.

"You should take a shower. You stink!" Collin exclaimed.

"Shut up!" I said playfully as I went over to the stairs to actually go take a shower.

As I stepped under the warm water, I sighed. I was content right now. Sure, the Kim thing was still in my mind, but at least it was clear to me that I didn't like her as more than a friend. I might've went about it the wrong way, but fortunately she knew how I felt and hopefully we could move past it. On the other hand, I was so happy that Collin was finally free of Sydney. It meant that he and I could spend more time together like we used to.

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