xix. | happily married couple

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Salvation; Part One

"Neither do I. But I do know two things: you are not alone. And I believe in you." -Felicity Smoak.

EMERY WAS WIDE EYED, LOOKING AT everything John had managed to find out about Yellow Eyes. It was genius to see how the man used the freaking weather to track it. Emery guessed omens.

She tuned out of the conversation John was having with the boys, looking at each piece of information and taking it in. It was a lot to handle. The girl looked at all the pictures containing something about the demon. Emery felt awestruck.

John was a truly incredible tracker.

"...until about a year ago. And for the first time, I picked up a trail," John finished, Emery finally listening.

"That's when you took off," Dean stated.

"Yeah, that's right. The demon must have come out of hiding, hibernation."

"Alright, so what's this trail you found?" Emery stepped forward, wanting to hear the amazing explanation of the whole thing. It took up a whole wall, for God's sake.

"Starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California, houses burned down to the ground, it's going after families... Just like it went after us."

"Families with infants?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, the night of the kid's six month birthday."

"I was six months old that night?"

"Exactly six months."

"So, basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason," Sam sounded angry and Emery didn't know what to do. She hated not knowing how to comfort him.

Something just felt off though.

"Same way it came for me?"

John looked down at the desk he was sitting at, not saying a word. Emery looked at Dean, who was glancing at Sammy. She felt his hand go in her's, intertwining their fingers, before he gave it a squeeze. Emery gave a comforting one back.

"So, mom's death? Jessica? It's all 'cause of me?"

"We don't know that, Sam," Dean stated.

Emery sucked in a breath, knowing that it was actually was Sam's fault. She could see the change in him from when they first started to now and she could feel that he was different now. She could tell you what it was, but Sam was different.

"Oh, really? 'Cause I'd say we're pretty damn sure, Dean," Sam sprang forward from his spot leaning against the window sill and Emery let go of Dean's hand. She quickly grabbed Sam's, the only comfort she knew except for hugging and she felt him squeeze it in a death grip. Emery never let go though.

"For the last time, what happened to them is not your fault," Dean stated, turning completely to the youngest Winchester.

"You're right, it's not my fault, but it's my problem," Sam shouted.

Emery wanted the ground to magically swallow her whole. This was the first time they had fought in a while and it was quickly getting out of hand.

"No, it's not your problem, it's our problem," Dean stated.

Finally, John broke it up, "Okay, that's enough." Sam's hand loosened ever-so-slightly around Emery's and the girl started rubbing patterns with her thumb on the back of his hand.

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