xxx. | missing in action

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. Jensen would have kept his Demon!Dean hair for a while then.

Hunted; Part One

"With great power comes great responsibility." -Spider-Man (Uncle Ben)

EMERY NEEDED THIS. SHE NEEDED THE hot water cascading over her body, Dean massaging her back. Planting kisses on her collarbone and any other place he felt appropriate.

It had been a long couple of weeks. After the whole Andy fiasco, they faced the ghost of America's first serial killer. Jo also came along for the ride and got very angry to know that the last hunt her dad went on was with John Winchester.

And then there was Dean getting arrested and finding out that one of those good guys was actually a psycho killer. Dean, Sam, and Emery were let go, thankfully and the whole case was scrapped. Well, as far as Emery knew.

Then, there was the whole Hellhounds and selling of the soul thing. They had saved a guy from getting torn to pieces by a giant beast. But, the guy was saved and he ended up living happily ever after with his wife.

A town with a couple of demons along with a supernatural freak plague were next on the itinerary. Emery had to fight her way out, having been trapped outside with the town's people. She was glad that she couldn't get infected with it or else things would have gone a lot worse. It was almost like the zombie apocalypse though. Dean also told Sam that he promised John that if Sam got to outta control, he would have to put him down. Emery hadn't known that and she didn't talk to Dean for about two hours before he finally got her some beer and a slice of apple pie. (He ended up stealing the pie though, the little bastard.)

And that led to where they were now. Dean's chest pushed against Emery's back as the two showered together. Nothing sexual was happening (though, if Dean wasn't so worried about Sam, there probably might have been). Emery turned around to rinse the conditioner from her long hair, smiling at Dean when she faced him.

"Dean," Emery spoke up, hands running through her hair. "I'm sure Sam's fine. He was taught by the best."

"Still doesn't give him the right to sneak away while we're sleeping," Dean mumbled, a soft glare on his face. Emery finished rinsing her hair, hands softly cupping Dean's cheeks.

"He'll be okay, Dean. We'll find him in a week at some bar, sitting in the corner doing research."

"I hope you're right."

"Usually am." With that, Emery stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on Dean's lips. They were soft, as always, and she felt Dean smirking. "What?"

"Can we have shower sex now?"

Emery rolled her eyes as she untangled herself from Dean. She shook her head laughing, before opening the curtain and stepping out. Dean groaned behind her as Emery wrapped a towel around her hair and then one around her body.

"If you were any more of a sex addicted, I think I would make you go into one of those sharing circle things," Emery scoffed, before opening the door to go change. "Why don't you take a cold shower."

"Do you know how many I've had because of you?" Dean shouted back and Emery felt her eyes roll again.

"It's not my problem!"

"It is now!"

Emery shut the bathroom door laughing, going to her bag and grabbing her clothes. It took her a few minutes to pull her jeans on, since her legs were wet and these were skinny. Her shirt was an AC/DC band tee, and she was lacing up her new combat boots when Dean stepped out of the shower.

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant