xxxiii. | it's just loki

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. If I did, I would probably be hanging around set. Even when they aren't filming.

Tall Tales; Part Two
(Same rules as last chapter apply with the story)

"May the Force be with you." -Every Jedi/Person on Star Wars.

THE THREE OF THEM STOOD OUTSIDE of the main campus building, looking at the circular scorch mark on the front lawn. Emery's lips were turned downwards in a frown, feeling bad about laughing at Curtis when he could have been telling the truth. It seemed that some people were simply hanging around outside in the rain, ignoring the huge circular mark in the grass.

"I'm telling you, Dean, this was made by some kind of jet engine," Sam stated and Emery fixed her high ponytail so that it was tighter against her head.

"What, you mean some saucer shaped jet engine?" Dean retorted, staring at his brother, who was standing on the step lower than both him and Emery. She was holding his hand to keep her's warm and they were shoved into his jean pocket. She didn't know how it worked and their hands were still comfortable, but it did.

"Well, what else could it be?" Emery asked, glancing between the two boys.

"What the hell?" Dean said, confused about what was happening at this damned university.

"I don't know," Sam answered, still staring at the stupid saucer shaped make in the grass. Emery glared at it, wondering why it had to be in this case, specifically.

"No, seriously, dude. What the hell?" Dean asked, his voice confused and angry. Why did the Winchesters and Emery have to get stuck with this case?

"I don't know," Emery answered this time. "There has to be some connection though. I mean, first the haunting and now this stupid perfect circle scorch mark!"

"You mean, between the angry spirit and the sexed-up E.T.?" Dean asked. Emery scoffed at the wording. Dean and his references. "What could the connection possibly be?"

"But what could we do?" Dean said, shrugging his shoulders at Bobby. "So we just kept on digging."

"So, you and this guy Curtis, you in the same house?" Sam asked a frat boy, who Emery was smiling a toothless smile at. She was kind of mad that she was standing out in the rain, but she couldn't control the weather.

"Yeah," the guy answered, seeming a little angry at the three of them for stopping him. Well, it seemed like it.

"You heard what happened to him, right?" Dean asked, tugging Emery closer to his body. They weren't holding hands anymore, instead his arm was over her shoulder, both trying to steal the other's warmth.

"Yeah, he says it was aliens, but, you know, whatever," the guy said, looking between the three of them.

"Look, man, I know this has to be so hard," Sam stated, looking at the college kid.

"Um, not so much," the guy was shaking his head, looking down.

"But I want you to know I'm here for you," Sam continued. The guy nodded awkwardly, trying to not seem embarrassed for Sam. "You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. Come here." Suddenly, Sam was pulling the kid into a hug, Emery raising her eyebrow as she cuddled closer into Dean. They both tried to avoid looking at Sam, who was hugging the boy tightly against his body. "You're too precious for this world."

"I never said that!" Sam protested, turning to look at Dean. Emery was trying to contain her laughter, because of the way Dean had described the scene. It was all too hilarious. Sam and Dean should get into these fights more often, instead of yelling matches.

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