What happened...

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Michaels pov

I looked out at the vast fields that held so many memories for us, the children of God. The memories of a war that was caused by my brother Lucifer. The pleasant light breeze surrounded the magnificent field of blood red poppies and blushing pink daisies, the little delicate stalks swayed slightly in the breeze I shuddered as I recalled a horrible, yet amazing memory.

"Michael!" I heard Lucifer shout in his low voice as he stormed into the bedroom we shared. It was a smallish room and could only fit two beds, but neither of us were in there long. The walls were a baby blue that never seemed to fade and the carpet was white. Nothing hung from our walls, it was a plain simple room. "Our holy father is a... Well something I can not say." He sulked throwing himself on his single bed in the corner. "He won't let me go to earth to marry Nessa, he said if I fall I'll never return... What should I do dear brother?" I smirked as he placed his hands over his eyes in annoyance, with him gone, I thought to myself, I'll be higher up, right next to God our father! I'll finally be rid of the annoying brat.

"You should go, be happy Lucifer. If heaven isn't what you need and Nessa is, go to her." I spoke calmly, what dear Lucifer didn't know was that his dearest Nessa was a demon who walked the earth. I had given her her freedom in exchange that she won over my poor brothers pathetic heart.

I noticed a while ago that Lucifer was slowly corrupting himself to the demons on earth, his once golden hair was turning a midnight black at the roots and his blue eyes held a slight demonic red tint. I'm sure God and the other Angels had begun to notice the subtly changes in Lucifer. Me and lucifer were the closest thing to actual brothers in heaven, the rest were simply called brothers out of pure respect.

From that day Lucifer watched over Nessa for a full year before he tried to go to earth, I mean I admired him, but I was still surprised he hadn't seen through the little demons disguise. "Today's the day Michael, I'm going to fall to earth to be with her!" Lucifer shouted with excitement to me from across one of the many meadows in heaven.

I smiled and wished him well. Then with a parting smile of his own, I watched my brother fall for a girl who didn't even love him...

Boo hoo, so sad. Not. He got everything he deserved that day! I would have said people questioned were Lucifer had disappeared too, that the people cared that he had gone, but nobody ever did. But what we didn't plan on him doing was returning to heaven with an army of very pissed off fallen angels.

This same beautiful field I stood on now, was once filled with the blood of Gods own children. Listening to the silence, I almost could hear the clash of metal against metal, the screams of terror and dread, death. All this being carried to my ears by the soft wind.

"Michael! You knew about her didn't you!" Screamed Lucifer as he held me by the throat a demon sword pressing against the flesh near my heart, his eyes pained, "you did this to me! You watched me fall for a demon!" Tears fell from his demonic red eyes, there was no light remaining inside Lucifer now. Nothing could save him from his fate. In the distance you could hear the fighting between the Angels, swords hitting each other and the screams of pain echoed through out heaven, but Lucifer looked as if it was just him and me fighting. He was a fallen, demonic angel, probably the strongest as he had fallen from the highest ranking position an angel could have. I watched as his hair fell in his face, completely black like the night. "I will kill you, you trickster!"

I remember laughing cruelly in his face daring him to do it. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of God, I don't doubt that he would have killed me.

"Lucifer, drop your sword." Gods tone was tight and unforgiving. "I warned you not to fall for that demon. But you did so anyway."

"It wasn't my fault father, I thought she was the one!" Cried out Lucifer, his eyes begged for his forgiveness. He fell to his knees tears fell as he looked to the ground in shame.

God shook his head in sadness, he walked over to Lucifer and simply helped him to his feet. "Lucifer, I, nor can anyone help you now... I wish I could, I do. Your simply too corrupted for heaven. But I'll make you a deal. Be the head of Hell... Keep the demons in check do whatever you like within reason..." Lucifer looked astonished, not in the good way. His eyes burned with anger anyone around him flinched with the stare he casted to God.

"You want me to be the head of hell! Why! Do you resent me that much that I should have to live with demons for the rest of eternity, sorting the good for nothing evil of your world?!" He spoke with disgust, his pitch rose slowly. Lucifer pulled his black cloak closer to his body hiding his golden armour.

"No Lucifer. You shall be keeping earths pure souls safe."

"But what about love? What happens to me?" I heard Lucifer questioned quietly. He shook his head in confusion, midnight hair fell in front of his eyes. He looked child like, scared of what was undoubtedly going to happen.

"I will create you a mate, some one who will love you. As for what happens with you, you will be in charge of hell and devils pit. Now go child you are no longer welcome in heaven." He turned quickly to the fallen, his white robes swirled around him, "who ever goes today will never return. Ever."

I could not describe God, nor could anyone he was just there in the air. But what I could describe was the pure hatred that Lucifer pored into his eyes, they burned with it. He took one last evil look at me, then displaying his fury, uncurled his once white wings. Large impressive raven black wings closed around Lucifer as he whirled into the sky, a pain filled cry echoed through heaven and we all watched Lucifer fall for the second time. A tumble of feathers and a body spin around in the sky at a terrifying speed, then it took a nose dive straight through the clouds of heaven, but instead of earth, he fell straight to hell.

Many angels fell that day, for they believed God was wrong to do what he had done to Lucifer; before Lucifer was the best fighter in heaven, gods right hand man and a guardian angel. But that's what happened that day and I had watched it intently with the biggest grin on my face. Lucifer was gone. Forever.

Sorry for the shortish update, my phone had to be repaired and I was gone from Wattpad for nearly a week :( but anyways here's the back story of Lucifer, if you wanna call it that!?? Oh and before I forget what did you think of this chapter? Remember to vote and comment!

Love Catherine x

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