Dreams or real...

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Unknown POV:
Little did they know, as the tears that they had shed mixed with each other, an antidote was formed. For when a love so strong that neither would understand builds, an unlimited amount of power can be designed.

I stood in the shadows, my black cape covering me from head to toe. Observing the moment between the two, who were oblivious to the small audience that had gathered to witness the impossible. There was three of us all together watching, waiting.

Lucifer had scooped the unmoving body of his love, up into his arms cradling her close to his chest. To a man like him it was the end, but to a person like me, it was the begging of a new start. Beware to all those who stood in these two lovers way, for a power like theirs was hard to brake.

I shifted silently to get a better view of the scene playing out in front of my old tired eyes, Lucifer's face was contort with rage, sadness and a flicker of his undying love for a girl he had only met a couple of days ago. His tears continued to fall from his dangerously glowing eyes, as if willing a single soul to come close, nobody new better than me that if you dared to go to him, you'd be dead in seconds.

Lucifers black wings delicately folded around his body and that of Sapphires. Covering them from view, another painful roar pierced the air as if that single sound could bring the girl back. Little did the poor boy know, Sapphire was already on her way back to him. His shouting and cursing, tears an hate were all good to him, but to Sapphires slowly recovering body it meant nothing. For she was his saviour and he was hers.

The golden lights danced off the floor, the two bodies still wrapped together beneath his wings, one dead, becoming something more and one an angel. What happened next was the begging of the end.


Lucifers POV:
I wrapped my wings around us, crying into her hair. She was gone and I never got to show her who I really was! I looked down into her frozen face, softly stroking her cheek, I placed a single kiss to her lips. But like I feared more than anything, she laid still. I had pulled the knife from her chest moments ago. That knife was meant to have been destroyed, yet that silly girl had found it and met her end.

I let out a piercing roar, trying to banish the hurt and pain surfacing. I held her close, never wanting to let go. If only I had been here with her, but if I hadn't have gone to Michael and defended her, she may have hated me more than I hated myself in this moment.

I laid carefully against the ground, bringing Sapphires body with me. I closed my eyes, resting my chin on top of her head. Falling into a troubled sleep, hugging her tight to my chest...
(Was going to end here but.... I love my readers so enjoy!)

Sapphires POV:
The pain had disappeared, but I couldn't understand why I felt really warm? I was meant to be gone forever, never to be returned.

I felt warm, safe and peaceful. I felt strong arms wrap around me, I could hear a soft heartbeat beneath me. I peeled my eyes open and looked up at Lucifers sleeping face. With a soft smile on my face, I reached up and kissed his cheek, whispering an I love you into his ear, He murmured something along the lines of shhh silly woman, I smiled softly and curled up and fell into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up by an irritating light being shone in my eyes, "Miss? Miss can you hear me?" I opened my tired eyes surrounded by doctors, the doctor in front of me turned off the light that had been shining in my eye. He smiled happily at me, his green eyes twinkled and his blonde hair was combed back neatly.He moved out the way to make room for another doctor, who stood in front of me with a notebook observing my reactions, this wasn't right just moments ago I was laying down with Lucifer on his ballroom floor. How did I end up in a hospital room?

"Where am I, I thought I was dead?" I started panicking, I had to get back to Lucifer! I was his mate. I was meant to end a war! The doctor in front of me frowned, writing something down in his note book. His black hair reminded me of Lucifers, except this man had brown eyes instead of red and was less muscular than Lucifer. Tears prickled my eyes as just the thought of never seeing him again, tore a bigger whole in my heart.

"You see dear, you should be dead, but when the ambulance got to you there was no wound just blood. Which is quiet interesting seeing as though the blood traces specifically match yours." I stared at him, I was alive, no wounds nothing? Then why did I feel as though I had been ripped away from something I needed. I looked up at the doctor whilst folding my arms, "so how comes I met the devil and spied on him for the angels, only to be stabbed by the devils ex girlfriend and wake up here?" I asked noticing how by the time I had finished telling my story, the doctors eyebrows were raised and staring at me in confusion.

"My dear, you did not die, in fact you have been alive this whole time. You were in a coma which explains the over reactive imagination, which can be simplified to simply being a dream your mind created, to occupy your brain whilst you were healing." I had been in a coma, never met the devil or Agatha, never in countered the Arch angel Michael and hadn't been stabbed by Nessa... so why did this feel like I was dreaming?

I nodded up at the doctor, "I understand," I whispered. The doctor nodded his head towards his colleagues who exited the room.

"You have to stay in hospital for over night observation, but tomorrow you can go home if all is well." His voice was soft and soothed the migraine that was beginning to start behind my eye lids.

As the doctor exited the hospital room, I heard something that made my whole body freeze, "he will come for you, Sapphire." The doctor closed the door oblivious to the voice and strolled away. Leaving me with the annoying bleeping of the machinery and the creepy feeling of being watched. Is Lucifer going to get me and take me back or is it Michael coming. I could also be dreaming and wake up in Lucifers arms, or this could be my new, old life I was meant to live instead...

So how do you like this chapter? Who do you think the mysterious person is and what do you thinks happening to Sapphire?

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