A dance with the Devil...

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The dark, huge doors to the ball swung opened revealing thousands of people. My heart pounded like a drum, as I sucked in a much needed deep breath. Daringly, I looked out towards the vast ball room floor. I nervously shook out my hands that felt oddly clammy, feeling too much fear, I turned back towards the doors, the dude stood by them smiled tightly before shutting my only escape tightly. Guess I wasn't getting out of this one.

The women here were dressed elegantly in ball gowns of a variety of colours and shapes, the men were dressed in tuxes in a variety of styles and colour, to match his partners dress. Some of the people stared curiously at me, others stared with jealously or hatred these were the people I fear the most, as their constant stares caused me to be on edge. The women in the room were more in the group of jealousy. I told myself, there not staring at you, they're staring at the servant behind you. He's probably picking his nose or pulling funny faces. I knotted my fingers together till my knuckles turned white and I plastered a fake smile onto my face to appear calm, but on the inside I was a shaking mess of nerves.

I looked around the beautifully decorated ball room and noticed crystal chandeliers hanging randomly around the room, tables covered with blood red table cloths and wine glasses were on one side, whilst the dance floor was to the other side.

Taking a timid step forward, my dress swirling around me, a tanned muscular arm snaked through mine genlty. I looked up and saw Lucifer smiling mischievously down at me. His presence instantly calmed me. His black soft hair was slightly messy and his red eyes twinkled in the dim light. He winked and looked towards the crowd. They were staring at Lucifer you idiot! Ha, I'd won that little bet then. I looked up at Lucifer and found myself blushing, he really was beautiful. His strong jaw and chiseled face made him appear strong, handsome and some one you shouldn't mess with or anger. I wasn't doubting that, Lucifer was most definitely a strong person, he was the ruler of hell.

He was wearing a simple yet expensive looking black suit, which was tailored to fit his muscular frame. I could see his muscles bulging under the suit. He was also wearing a red tie, making us match with colour choices. He knew what dress I would choose! That sneaky little....

"Good evening, friends. Welcome to the annual darkness ball, some of you may be wondering who this beautiful
women is stood next to me," he paused sending me a smile which turned slowly into a smirk, I blushed probably looking like a tomato, what was he up to now? "This is Sapphire, my mate." Suddenly I felt every pair of eyes looking at me, criticising me. I had the sudden urge to throw up. Some were looking at me with approval, others looked at me like they wanted to rip my head off and feed it to the weird reptile creatures hidden under the creepy cloaks. I looked down at the ground, but Lucifer grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the dance floor. My heels made me stumble slightly, but Lucifer caught me. Looking at me with an emotion I didn't quiet understand, but somehow made my heart flutter.

Lucifer led me to the dance floor, where he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, we began to dance to the soft music being played by a band I didn't know. It sounded classical at a guess.

"You look beautiful Sapphire," Lucifer said leaning down to whisper in my ear. He moved a stray strand of hair away from eyes, then softly caressed my cheek with his thumb, I blushed and looked down.
"You look pretty handsome too," I whispered back feeling shy. Lucifer chuckled again and spun me around in a circle in slowly in time to the music and brought me closer to his chest. Keeping his arms securely around my waist, he swayed to the music and softly kissed my forehead, I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Looking deep into his eyes, I saw that unknown emotion flash through his eyes again.

As the song came to an end, Lucifer took a bow and I curtsied. "Do you want a drink?" He asked politely, I nodded my head and watched Lucifer disappear to the bar.

Staring after him, I softly ran my hands through my hair. Suddenly, some one stepped into my line of vision. Michael. His golden hair shimmered in the low light. His blue tie matching his eyes. He was wearing a white tux making him appear even more angelic. "May I have this dance?" He asked smirking at me as I threw a glance at Lucifer, who was waiting for our drinks. Not noticing that his brother was dancing with his mate.

Returning my gaze to Michael, I smiled politely and nodded my head. What is he up to? He wrapped an arm round my waist as we danced to another slow song. "You haven't been contacting us like we agreed Sapphire... Have you found anything out?" He questioned, looking around to see if anyone had over heard. You get some right idiots! I threw a quick glance over towards Lucifer to make sure he hadn't heard our conversation.

Turning back to Michael I shuck my head, I don't know anything yet... Michael nodded his head understanding, "What are you doing here Michael?" I asked, wouldn't Lucifer be curious?

"When he comes back he will question you on what I've asked or been telling you, just tell him that I wanted to know who you were, that I tried to kiss you. As for why I'm here, well let's just say, it's an annual thing." He paused looking me dead in the eye before continuing, "hit me when I say so, it will make it more believable." I stared at him in shock, hit him? Make what believable?

Before I knew what was happening Michael attempted to kiss me, shifting my head away on instinct I slapped him hard across the face, watching it slowly turn red with my hand print gracing the left side of his angelic face. I clutched my hand to my chest, gosh that stung! I could feel my pulse in my hand. Michael smirked at me and turned away, losing himself in the crowd of oblivious dancers.

Michael had left me staring after him, he had tried to kiss me. I felt hot tears prick my eyes. Why had I agreed to be a spy? Lucifer appeared in front of me in a matter of seconds with a questioning look on his face. Time to lie to the devil... But could I?

So what do you think Lucifer will do? So you think Sapphire will lie? Find out in the next chapter. Thank you for reading, I appreciate it. Also please press the star vote button, this helps my story get noticed by others who then can enjoy my story too,
thanks love ya , Catherine x

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