Chapter Thirty-Three

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Pic of Hena


Hailey's POV

This moment had finally come. I dreaded it but at the same time it felt good. Zach stood in front of me with a forlorn look on his face. We were in his office after he literally dragged me away from everyone and made me tell him the truth. He was angry and hurt to be kept in the dark about something so serious.

And I did just that. I told him every single detail from how I met the blue sky pack till my true identity and what I am destined to do. I didn't leave out anything and it felt good to remove this burden of my shoulders. All the time he just listened without interrupting me. His face was emotionless and I wish he would just let me know what he is thinking. I felt as if he was suddenly distant and it made me feel so alone and vulnerable. Was he afraid of me? Does he regret wanting me? Maybe I deserve to stay away from all of them so that way I won't hurt them.

"Well that's it. That my life, I bet it's not so interesting huh." I joked, wanting to ease the tension in the room it was suffocating me. He just looked at me and then suddenly he was walking towards me with determination. I stood my ground expecting the worst but next thing I know he grabs my shoulders and crashes his lips on mine.

At first I was shocked and didn't react. I finally registered him kissing me and no matter what, I couldn't, for the life of me push him away. His lips were soft yet demanding and I gave in not able to hold on any longer. His hands cupped my cheek and it sent shivers of pure pleasure throughout my body. He bit my lower lip and I gasp giving him the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue caressed mine making me want to just melt into a puddle. He sucked on my lips and I couldn't stop a moan that escaped my mouth. He continued giving this slow torture until I was breathless. Breaking the kiss he rested his forehead on mine. I kept my eyes closed not wanting to open them and just enjoying the sound of his ragged breathing.

"Hailey." He whispered. My heart clenched when I heard the pain in his voice. I opened my eyes to find him staring at me with unshed tears in his eyes. I cupped his cheeks and searched his facing wanting desperately to stop his pain.

"Zach what is it? Please tell me." I begged nearing tears.

"It's my entire fault. All that you've been through is my fault. I have given you so much pain in this life. I could never hate myself more than how I do now. I am the most selfish, cowardly, arrogant and useless person on the earth and I don't deserve you. You are perfect, kind, loving, strong and you deserve so much better. I wish you never had me as your mate because then your life would have been so much better. I wish I never came in your life." He whispered with his head bent down and his shoulder sagging. He looked so lost my heart ached seeing him like this.

I put my hands on his cheeks and made him look at me. "You take that back Zachary Anderson. No matter what happened I would never want anyone else as my mate." I said with determination. "And nothing is your fault. This is my screwed up destiny so this was inevitable,and it had to end up like this. Don't blame yourself for something that was never in your control." His hands reached my face and I realized I had tears falling from my eyes. He suddenly took me in his arms and I never felt so happy and safe before. It felt everything was right with him there. I hugged him back tightly not wanting to let go.

"Hailey I have done so many things that are unforgivable but I promise from now on I will never leave your side. You are my mate and I will never let anything happen to you. I will be there and I will wait for you to forgive me. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe." He said with determination. I smiled knowing that he spoke the truth and maybe we'll be okay.

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