Chapter Eighteen

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Hailey's POV

Something was wrong. No everything was wrong. I had just started to believe my life would be filled with happiness for eternity. I had started to know and understand what actual happiness meant. I had just got to know what a second chance feels like. I was on my way to mend all the cracks in my heart. I had finally felt wanted for the first time in my life. But now I had just lost all that. Every hope of mine was built on this life I had made for myself here. But that was gone, it was shattered, it was wrecked.

But it's my fault, I should have known better. I should have known my past will someday come back to haunt me. The horrible life I had left behind will soon catch up with me. It was inevitable and I knew it. I did, deep down I knew I had to be ready. But I was so naïve, this short lived happiness consumed me and I let down my guard. But I let it down just for a little time and see how cruel the fates are. That very time they thought it was the precise moment to let the one thing I never wanted to see or feel to catch up to me. It was my stupid fault and the consequence is my punishment.

But how would I mend these old wounds that had torn open in my heart. It took so long fot them to heel, now I would never be able to do it all over again. I was indeed a damaged good, how naïve of me to think otherwise. I felt weak, vulnerable; as if my heart was left on display for everyone to poke, taunt and pierce.

"Hailey please say something. Please baby you're scaring me." Liam's voice entered my head and brought me back to reality. Blinking fast I cleared my vision and looked at him. His brows were knitted together in a frown. His eyes held unshed tears of desperation and sadness. Letting my eyes wonder around his office I saw Nate, Kevin, Ethan and Tyler crouched near me with concern drawn on their handsome faces. I couldn't smile even if I wanted to assure them its ok. But how could I, when I knew none of this was ok. Locking eyes with each of them I turned to Liam.

"What should I say? What should I do?" My tears fell from my eyes leaving my vision blurred. A soft hand gentle wiped them away. I stared at Liam and saw a lone tear escape his eyes too. He drew me closed and kissed me forehead and held his lips there for a second longer. A sob left my mouth as my heart ached seeing him like this.

"I promise Hailey I'll make this go. I will do anything just tell me." He held me to his chest and I buried my face in his chest. He held me tightly; as if thinking if he left me, I'd just disappear. I pulled back and kissed him straight on the lips, giving him whatever assurance I could, telling him that I was still her and was ok. I never wanted to worry him with my mess. As we broke apart, Kevin got up and clenched his hands tight.

"You don't need to go to this meeting. You don't have to face him. We can send Tyler as Pack Warrior." He said as all the rest nodded.

"No." I answered in a weak voice. "No Hailey please I'd lose you then." Liam whispered only for my ears. I looked at him and knew that he knew what I was thinking. He let his head fall as if letting me know he supported me.

"Hails, baby if this is hard then you don't need to do this." Ethan said. I shook my head and withdrew myself from Liam. He reluctantly let me go. I walked to the window and glanced at the night sky. It was black as coal with not a single star adorning it. It was blank and filled with darkness and emptiness. It looked just like my life, dark and empty.

"No I need to do this. Whatever it is I need to face it. If this is something the fates have served on my plate then I will try it no matter how bitter and sour it tastes. I will face it because maybe this is meant to be. Maybe I was never meant to be in the blue sky pack. I think I have over stayed my welcome. It's time I stop running and turn back and confront my past. Or else it will forever haunt me. I need to go back. What the outcome will be I have no idea, but I have to take this as an opportunity. My fate is already so messed up, what's this any different." I joked as I laughed sadly.

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