Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hailey's POV

"Liam, I am on my way back home." I stated through the mind link as I raced through the dark forest avoiding the trees and roots.

"Hailey, baby what happened??" Liam's voice floated into my mind. It was laced with worry and panic. I whimpered because I was the reason he was always worried and anxious.

"I'll explain later when I meet you. Now just stay there and do what we went there to do." I told him. Just because I couldn't be there it didn't mean that the matter about Logan and the rogues was any less important. Once I sought out my messed up feelings I'll come back to do what I was born to do.

"We are coming there right now." He growled lowly.

"No it's necessary for you to stay and decide our next move. You're an alpha Liam, just do your job." I growled back.

"I have already discussed everything so there is no point in staying here." His voice was firm which made my skin crawl in fear and anger.

"But you-." I tried to argue.

"Enough I'll meet you at the pack house." He said with finality and added his alpha tone through it knowing I won't be able to fight that. He really knew how to piss me off.

"Fine." I replied and put a strong guard on my mind letting him know how pissed I was.

The moon was no longer visible and my path was pitch black. If it wasn't for my wolf I'd have fallen countless times. My mind went back to the time Zach came up to me in the clearing. I heard him walk towards me but didn't have the strength to run away from him anymore. I felt my energy drain out of my body every time I walked away from him.

My wolf was so naïve. The minute she saw his beautiful mysterious grey eyes and his handsome face she was a goner. But I on the other hand couldn't find it in my heart to forgive him for his rejection. That day played in my mind everyday as if it was set on replay. The pain was too much to bear and controlling my wolf was a difficult task. If she had her way she'd pounce on him and beg him to take her right there. His wolf was calling out to her and she answered like the horny ass she was.

Zach. Gosh his name felt perfect on my lips. His gorgeous face, those scary grey eyes, his pointed nose, those soft pink lips, that Greek god kind of body, everything about him was making me tear off my guard and forgive him, but every time I was near to forgiving him, my past life flashed across my eyes and the process would start all over again.

When he reached out and held my arm, it was the most amazing feeling ever. That electricity flowing through us made me melt into a puddle of pleasure. It was nothing I had ever felt for so long. It took every ounce of strength and will power to run away from him. I swear if I stayed there and heard his scared vulnerable voice for another minute I'd break down and take him back that instance. He made me feel so alive with just his touch and every inch of my skin was on fire wanting to feel his touch again desperately.

I pushed my legs beyond its limit and raced down the forest in inhuman speed. The cold night wind hit my face making my insides shiver but didn't let it slow me down. I wanted to put distance between me and that heavenly smell which still lingered around in the air. After running for an hour I could make out the pack house from far. Signing in relief I ran towards in and entered the half open door in wolf form. As soon as my paws touched the warm wooden flooring my body slumped on the ground completely drained of energy. My breathing was shallow and my head felt heavy.

I heard footsteps running towards me but didn't recognize them. Two pair of feet stopped in front of me but before I could lift my muzzle and look up my eyelids closed feeling too heavy. Zach's glowing face and those grey eyes of love filled my vision before it disappeared leaving me in complete darkness.

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