First Day

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(^^^ That's how they are dressed. Enjoy!)

Brandon's Point Of View:

I had Martin pick up Michael and Lilly. I couldn't face Michael right away, because after that hug last night...I sorta had a...boner.

Anyway, Martin should have dropped Lilly off by now. I check my watch. I bet Lilly is going to be the talk of the school today. I'll have Martin pick her up too.

I look in the mirror in my office and fix my tie. I'm wearing a very expensive blue suit. This is my favorite suit. I look good. Haha.

There's a knock on my office door. I turn around and see Michael. Is this man trying to give me a heart attack? He's looking sexier than ever! I bite my bottom lip. He must be teasing me... Mm...

"Hey, Brandon. "

"Hi, Michael, please, come and sit."

Michael walks in. He seems nervous. He keeps his hands in his pocket and looks around. Probably trying to stay away from everything that looks expensive. He takes a seat in the chair in front of my desk.

I sit down in my desk chair and pull out my notes to begin working.

"Um, Brandon, how come you only have one chair in here? Everyone else has two."

I smile. "Well, I only do business with one person. If a company I'm doing business with needs two people, then they can go to Henry. He's the executive here."

Michael nods. I continue to work. He seemed to be getting bored, because he started tapping his foot and making noises with his mouth. I giggle. He looks at me and smiles.

He asks, "Why do you keep laughing at me?"

I smile at him and say, "You're just very adorable. "

Shit! What did I just say?

He quickly ask, "Huh? What?"

I say very quickly, "I said you're very admirable. Because of your ability to fix cars. I can't fix a car to save my life. Speaking of cars let's get you situated. "

I get up and walk to the door. Michael follows behind. We head toward the elevator, when a mail cart zooms in front of me, I quickly stop, but Michael didn't see me. He walks straight into me, causing both of us to fall.

I'm flat on the ground with him right on top of me. What's that I feel? I can't help but smirk. Michael quickly gets up and says,

"I'm so sorry!"

I'm helped up by the mail boy and Michael. Before I can reply to Michael, Zack, the mail boy quickly says,

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Clifford! I don't know how that happened! Please forgive me! I didn't mean too! I'm so-"

I put my hand on his shoulder and softly say,

"Shhh shhh. Calm down Zack. It's not your fault okay. You weren't the one who pushed me over. "

I look at Michael and laugh. He really does look guilty about it. I turn back to Zack and say,

"Finish delivering the mail, and come down to the car cave. I have a job for you."

He nods and grabs the cart. He quickly walks away. I turn to Michael and say,

"And you, it's okay. I stopped very suddenly. Shall we continue? "

He nods. We walk to the elevator and get in. I press the basement button. Michael breaks the silence by asking,

"What's the car cave?"

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