Come Together

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Brandon's POV

My mom called me and ask me to come over today. She sounds pretty happy. I wonder if she has a surprise for me.

I pull up to her house. I get out and knock on the door. The door opens. Hugh smiles and says,

"Finally you've arrived. "

I smile and say, "This must be really important. "

He nods and says, "It is. Go to the living room. "

I nod and walk inside. I hear voices talking. As I enter the living room, my smile goes away. Michael is laughing with mom. When he sees me, he gets up quickly. I ask in a harsh tone,

"What is he doing here?! "

Mom says, "Watch your tone, Brandon. Don't be rude. I invited both of you here to fix this. "

I say, "Mom I don't want to talk to him. Do you know he made a scene yesterday? He made me fire him on the spot! "

Michael says, "I only did that because you wouldn't talk to me! "

Mom waves her hands in the air and says,

"Both of you stop it. You aren't listening to each other. Michael, say what you have to. And Brandon, you listen. "

Michael takes a deep breath and says, "Brandon you don't know how bad I feel about what happened in Hawaii. I regret not doing what you said I was suppose to do. I relive it every time I see you. I hate that we had that fight. I love you deeply Brandon. You're the man of my dreams. I can't see myself with anyone else. Lilly misses you. I miss you... I love you Brandon.. "

I begin to tear up. I say, "Michael, I love you too, and I miss you and Lilly. I want to be with you but when you exploded and yelled like that, it made me think of my father. You did that twice.. I.. I.."

I remember when I made the mistake of telling Lilly I thought her father was cute. Michael sighs and says,

"I promise you, I'm nothing like your father. I promise you. Carolina told me what happened and I swear to you, I'm nothing like him. Please believe me. "

At that moment I believed him. My father never said he was sorry or he wouldn't do it again. Michael is much different.

I walk toward him and pull him close. I hug him. He holds onto me tightly. Not too tight, but just right. I bury my head into his neck.

"I love you, Michael. "

"I love you more, Brandon. "

Rich Love (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now