Chapter 7: Emotional rollercoaster

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Chapter 7: Emotional rollercoaster

"Continue to share your heart with people even if it has been broken."

— Amy Poehler, Harvard Speech

There's so much you don't understand. As soon as I got home, his words kept running through my head. There's so much I don't understand about what? About him cheating on me? About him ruining everything— I stopped, took a deep breath in and willed myself to clear my head.

There was no point in driving myself crazy over it, he'd said he would explain over dinner and that's what we were going to do. Dinner. That's all. Nothing less, nothing more. Dinner between two friends.

I had phoned Courtney and asked if she could look after Ariel tonight while I was out. She was more than happy to accept, muttering something about me needing to get out more. I looked at the clock next to the fridge, It was 6:45, she should be here any minute. After quickly washing the remaining dishes, I put together a plate of food for Ariel and Court.

"Ariel, baby, dinners ready." I called out while pouring a glass of water.

Little footsteps came from the lounge room and soon enough I saw Ariel's little head appear behind the kitchen counter. I watched in amusement as she struggled to get up on the bar stool.

When I set her plate in front of her, she looked at it and then looked up at me with her little arms crossed over, a pout on her lips.

"Oh come on, my cooking isn't that bad is it?" I eyed the vegetables and chicken with confusion. Ariel hardly ever complained about her food unless someone else cooked it, which I was thankful for in a way, except for when it came to pumpkin. Not even I could get her to eat that. A memory of my little ball of fire chucking a tantrum when Jason first tried to cook for her after our not-so-gracious meeting in the supermarket. That was before she knew the said man was her father though.

Hmmm, I wonder if she'll let eat his cooking now that she knows Jason is her father. That's a theory I'm going to have to test.

Ariel made a noise but didn't say anything. She just sat there with her arms folded and cute pouted lips. God knows why

I wiped the bench down and then leaned over and rested my elbows on the counter, staring right at her.

"Wanna tell mummy whats wrong little miss?" Again, nothing came from the small brooding princess.

Well then. This attitude did not suit my sweet girl. Just as I open my mouth to speak again, there was a hard knock on the front door. That must be Court, but why did she knock and just not walk in? She had keys for a reason. I pursed my lips at my daughter once again and gave her a look that said this was not over.

Looking through the peephole, my eyes widened at the person behind the door. That tall, dark and handsome man was definitely not my best friend. Unlocking the door, I opened it and frowned at the boyish smile he wore.

"What are you doing here? You're too early!"

Jason's smile never wavered, instead it widened as his eyes ran up and down my form. My cheeks heated under his stare. It wasn't as if I was wearing anything special, just a simple black dress that came mid thigh with black stockings and my favourite pair of boots. As his eyes lifted towards mine, I bit back a smile when I saw the heat in them.

Never failing to deliver a smooth line, he uttered, "And you're perfect."

My heart soared but I just rolled my eyes and swatted his arm as he walked in, "Enough of that smooth guy. We have a major crisis, our daughter has gone mute."

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