Chapter 12: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

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"I didn't say "I love you" to hear it back. I said it to make sure you knew."

- Chris John Millington

Warning: Adult content towards the end. If you're under 18 please read at your own cost because it's very detailed. I should be saying if your U18 don't read but look we both know you cheeky shits don't follow the rules.

A big happy birthday to a very special girl!!! Altun love you very much, you're a doll <3 xx

Chapter 12: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

I don't remember the last time I felt this nervous. Thinking back it would've been a good 6 years ago since the butterflies had made an appearance and parked themselves right in the pit of my stomach. I'll admit it was the good kind of nerves and I was almost feeling a bit giddy.

While doing the dishes this morning after we had woken up, yes we because ever since Jason slept over that night a week ago, he's been staying over whenever he can - which turned out to be almost every night. Anyway as I passed him the plate to dry, he turned to me with a smile that almost made me drop the soap cup I was holding, and told me he was taking me out tonight. On a date. Our second date. I guess I shouldn't be as nervous because it was our second date but things have been moving so fast and I couldn't help the feeling that something was going to come and ruin our little happy bubble.

Whats that saying? When things sound too good to be true, they usually are.

I didn't want to think that way but I'm naturally a suspicious person. I shook my head and pushed the negative thoughts from my head. I needed to decide on an outfit because I had less than an hour to get ready.

A pile of clothes sat on my floor, glaring back up at me. I frowned, traitorous clothes - nothing looked good on me. Where was your best friend when you needed her? Looking after your daughter, a voice reminded me. Oh right. Courtney flew into my apartment the minute I told her about Jason's plans, she ran into Ariel's room, packed a bag and grabbed Ariel's hand, kissing me on the way out. If I were honest, she looked more excited about my date than me.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see who had messaged me, Have fun tonight J, Don't do anything I wouldn't do xx.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Well, think, in my case.

I smiled, typing out a response, Doesn't leave me with much to do then does it Court?

She responded not even a second later, Cheeky. But seriously, be selfish for once and leave your stresses behind you for the night. Ariel's staying the night with me we're going to have a movie marathon. Enjoy yourself sexy mumma, you deserve it.

I paused, she was right. I deserve to have fun tonight and not worry about the stresses of the world for at least a couple of hours. This was about me and Jason. This would be the first date we'd have that's not filled with hostility unlike our actual first time.

A knock sounded at the door and I jumped in surprise, I looked at the time on my phone and it read 7:30. It was too early to be Jason, he said he was coming at 8 so I still had time. Who the hell could be at my door right now?

Without considering my appearance, I opened the door and stopped in my tracks at what was before me.

He looked different than the last time I saw him, which ironically was only a few hours ago. Really different but good different. His usual dark locks were now shorter and spiked up with what I assumed to be gel. Dressed in black jeans and a light blue button up with a navy coat, he looked good enough to eat. My knees wobbled as I took him in a second time. I couldn't help it, his new hairstyle gave him a mysterious but sexy look.

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