Chapter 13

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I woke up to Hades holding my hand while resting his head on the bed, snoring softly. I furrowed my eyebrows, why is he holding my hand? Doesn't he hate me? I decided to ignore him, but the sparks weren't making it easy. I scanned the room and frowned a bit, I'm hundred percent sure that I'm in the infirmary or a hospital of sorts. I snapped my eyes over to the door as it swung open, Whitney strode into the room with a man walking beside her.

She instantly grinned as she noticed I was awake, her eyes lighting up. "Hey! How are you feeling?" she chirped, plopping herself down in a chair.

I glanced over to Hades as he stirred a bit, but he didn't wake up. He only continued to snore softly, his hot breath warming my wrist. I wanted to smile at the scene, but I was still confused as to why he was suddenly by my side.

I turned my attention back to Whitney, "I've felt...better, I guess." I replied, my voice scratchy.

I winced as my throat started to burn, Whitney grabbed a glass of water and helped me drink some. Once my mouth and throat weren't dry anymore, she introduced me to her mate. He smiled warmly and gently shook my hand, telling me how it was a pleasure to meet me. We talked for a bit until the doctor walked in, she looked me over and smiled.

"Well, your wounds are healing nicely. Now, I suggest eating light food, like soup or something. There is internal damage from the burning and all, especially from you clawing your stomach. We will have to an endoscopy so we can see how your stomach is healing.

You managed to slightly claw an artery, but thankfully it wasn't anything major. You did bleed quite a bit, but Alpha Hades gave you a lot of blood. Hence the reason he's pale and out cold. He's probably not going to feel well when he does wake up, but he should after he eats something. If the stubborn ass listens for once."

I chuckled at her name for Hades before frowning, "How much blood did I lose?"

"About half of the blood in your body, usually both humans and werewolves don't survive when they lose that much. It throws your heart into over drive as it's trying to pump enough blood for your body. However, your heart managed it pretty well. Unfortunately, Alpha Hades couldn't give you half of his blood, so thank the goddess your heart is weirdly strong." she laughed a bit.

I laughed, "Is that a good thing?"

"I guess so, I've never seen anything like it in my life. We can make you have a check up every year with one of our cardiologists." she suggested.

"That'd be great, thank you."

She nodded before walking out, reminding me to eat light foods and to get my stubborn mate to actually eat something. After she closed the door Whitney stayed for a few more minutes, she then told me she had to go and meet her mate's parents. I laughed when she said how scary they are, but her mate argued with her that they weren't. After they left I sighed, the room was silent once again. I looked at Hades again, this time I actually paid attention to his skin color. Oh yeah, he was really pale.

Concern bubbled in my chest as I clenched my jaw, I gently shook him. "Hades." I whispered.


"Hades." I said louder while shaking him a little harder.

"N-no! Don't take her..." he suddenly cried out.

I frowned and shook him even harder, "Hades!"

He shot up and out of his chair, however he started to sway a little as he held his head. "Whoa, that wasn't a good idea." he murmured.

"Sit the hell down before you pass out!" I exclaimed, my eyes wide.

He quickly obeyed before looking at me, his eyes wide. "You're awake?" he asked.

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