Chapter 63

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All through the doctor visit Hades ignored me. He even asked for the doctor to make me stay out of the room.
I silently sat in the waiting room when he walked out with a cast on his wrist. I didn't say anything, I just got up and walked to the front desk.
I signed all the papers and then we left. We walked together quietly, I didn't know what to say and Hades wasn't going to say anything.
Suddenly Hades grabbed my arm and stopped me. He turned me around and sighed.
"I didn't want you in the room because of how I get....when I'm in pain. I would have scared you." He explained.
I frowned, "You could have told me that."
"Oh, you know you would have argued with me."
I opened my mouth to argue back, but realized he was right. I let out a sigh and nodded.
"Okay, now, let's go." I said, my voice monotone.
He frowned and stopped me again.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asked.
All of a sudden anger washed over me, I glared at him.
"You fucking ignored me for taking care of you!" I snarled.
He winced at my tone, but I didn't care. I was fed up with this crap.
"All I did was drag your sorry ass to the infirmary because you couldn't get your own damn wrist fixed! And you sulked the whole time! Stop being such a big baby!" I spat before storming off.

I was still fuming when I reached our room. I slammed the door shut and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
I walked over to the bed and sat down, burying my face in my hands. It took a few minutes, but the anger eventually went away.
Once it was I felt guilty for what I did. I ran my hand through my hair, I'm hating these mood-swings.
I got up and walked out of the room to find Hades. I checked his office first, but he wasn't there. Then, I checked the training grounds and he wasn't there. I sighed and walked into the forest, searching for any signs of his wolf.
Once I reached the clearing I frowned. His scent was nowhere around here and now I was getting worried.
"Hades!" I called out into the empty forest.
No answer.
I swallowed thickly, where the hell did he go? A thought struck me and I went as fast as I could to the pack house.
I grabbed some keys off the key hook and went outside.
Once I found the car I got in and drove off. It only took me a few minutes to reach the cabin, but by the time I got there I was already a mess.
I scurried out and walked into the house.
Still, no answer.
I then checked out back and frowned. Sitting on the banks of the lake was Hades, looking out across the murky waters.
I walked down towards him and sat beside him. We were silent for a moment before I looked at him. My heart broke when I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.
I gently wiped the tear away and made him look at me.
"Hey, I'm sorry for what I said. I have no idea where that anger came from." I admitted.
He looked at me before looking away. "Yeah, but I did stress you."
"No, I was just worried for you and was upset that I couldn't be in the room with you."
"Because of me."
I sighed, "Let's pretend today never happened. Well, at least the doctor visit."
I frowned when he didn't try to move.
"Hades? What's bothering you?"
"I'm frustrated." He replied.
"With what?"

I didn't make him say anymore, I just wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.
We stayed like this for a while until he let out a breath and looked at me.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
I frowned, "For what?"
"For everything, being a wuss, an ass, and a bad mate."
I shook my head, "There's no need for you to be sorry. You've had a tough life, you can't blame yourself for that. Being abused scarred you, all you can do and try to get through it."
"But you're fine and you were abused."
"Yes, but I'm terrified of people getting angry with me. I run."

He nodded before standing up and helping me up. He tilted my head up and put his lips to mine. I melted into the kiss, we hadn't had a kiss like this in a long time. It felt nice.
Once we parted he smiled at me and picked me up.
I laughed as a smile made itself known on his face.
"I love you." He chirped.
I grinned, "I love you too."

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