Chapter 25

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She lunged at me without even thinking, which was a horrible mistake on her part. Even though my father abused me for the past ten years he did make me train with him. He would yell at me whenever I made a mistake, always bringing up the fact a rogue could kill me. I will never forget the fear in his eyes whenever he mentioned that, like he was afraid of me dying. That, or he wanted to be the one who killed me.

I focused myself on her moves, allowing her strike at me so I could learn her fighting tactics. I quickly dodged her fist as she swung it at me, frustration evident on her features. She lunged at me, wrapping her arm around my throat and attempting to pull me down. I let out a growl and brought my leg up, I kicked her in the stomach. Hard. She gasped and quickly let go, stumbling away from me as she held her stomach. I took that as my chance to strike; with lightening speed I grabbed her by her throat and slammed her into the ground.

She let out a howl of pain, but continued to fight. She tried climbing to her feet, but I didn't show her any mercy. I continued to kick, punch, and so on. Her face was a bloody mess, her body had dark bruises and cuts all over it, but she didn't give up. I was impressed by her determination, but it's not enough for her to win. I grabbed her by her sports bra and lifted her up, a smirk on my face when I saw the dazed look in her eyes.

"Good night, bitch. Oh and Stephanie?" I grinned.

She swallowed, "Y-yes?"

"Stay.Away.From.My.Mate." I growled lowly.

"Yes, Luna."

With that, I punched her in the face and smiled at the satisfying crunch. She dropped to the ground, out cold, but still breathing. I wiped my hands and smiled before turning towards the pack, my eyes landing on the group of girls who were looking at their friend.

"Now, I hope that was a good lesson for the she-wolves of this pack. You touch my mate, you kiss my mate, you do anything slutty with my mate and I'll make sure you regret it. Go find your own damn mate." I snarled.

"Yes, Luna." all the she-wolves said.

I smirked, "Good."

Once she walked back to her little group of girls I focused on Hades. He was staring at me with pride filled eyes and walked over to me. He quickly grabbed me and kissed me on the lips, telling me how amazing I was. I knew this would piss off Stephanie and her little group, but I didn't care. I want to express my love for their Alpha, he deserves that. He deserves to be loved for the rest of his life and not pushed away as if he's a monster. Yes, he's messed up and broken, but he has me now.

I'm going to fix him, piece by piece.

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