Chapter 11

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Jackson's POV

             My body heat was still too high, and I could feel a headache approaching. The feeling was already inconvenient, but what I despised more was the excruciating pain that I knew would come after. I took off my shirt and tossed it over the desk chair, trying to reduce the heat without result. The fever was persistent, and even though my mother spent the hour running a cold towel over me, my temperature would rise again after a short time. I leaned against my desk and ran my fingers through my slightly damp hair, feeling faint. Hearing a knock on my door, I tried to collect myself as I called out to my mom for her to enter. Perhaps seeing me on my feet would worry her less.

            Only, it wasn't her.

            I heard a soft gasp and looked up to see Caitlyn under the door frame. Her eyes were slightly wide and gazing at my naked torso. Her face flushed a deep red, giving her an innocent aura that was borderline adorable. Once my initial shock dissipated, a smirk played on my lips as she quickly placed her hands over her eyes.

            "I-I'm sorry!" She stuttered in a small voice, her bottom lip quivering. "I shouldn't have barged in like that." By the time she finished, I was already in front of her. I gently tugged her hands down to her sides, leaving my hands lingering there longer than necessary.

            "Relax, Caitlyn. It's okay." I murmured to her, chuckling softly. Her lips released a little whimper and she shivered, provoking my smirk to grow bolder. Man, she was too easy to tease. I laughed at her reaction and decided to lay off on the joking for now, even though her reactions were always amusing. I ruffled her hair, knowing she hated it, and turned to walk to my bed.

            "So, what are you doing here?" I asked her casually as I opened up a drawer and pulled out a sleeveless tank to put on, hoping it would allow me to reduce my temperature while also keeping Caitlyn from being uncomfortable. I sat on my bed and flinched as my head throbbed.

            She cleared her throat as she sat next to me, eyeing me suspiciously. "I only came to see how you were doing." I chuckled and smiled at her obvious lack of trust in me. Perhaps I've pushed her one too many times.

            "Were you worried about me?" I teased her, ignoring the increasing pain in my head that grew to be more irritating. I felt the sweat starting to collect at the back of my neck, my fever no doubt steadily rising again. She blushed and looked away, playing with her fingers. I loved how easy it was to make her blush. She mumbled something and I leaned in closer to her. "What was that?" I asked her and she moved over an inch, away from me. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, someone knocked on my door.

            "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but I brought lemonade." My mom spoke out as she opened the door, sneaking a wink at me. She was holding out a serving tray that had two tall glasses filled with pale yellow liquid balanced on it. She walked towards my desk and set the tray of drinks down. Turning around, she skipped out of the room and closed the door behind her. I turned back to her.

            "What did you say? I didn't quite catch it." I asked again, trying to ignore my mother's obvious excitement about having a girl in my room. Karma was quick in getting me back for the times I've embarrassed others.

            "I said, yes, I was worried about you!" She repeated with more confidence, glaring at me. If only she knew how cute she looked when she did that. It reminded me of an angry kitten, endearing and completely harmless. But her comment took me by surprise. I didn't expect her to be so blunt, let alone get over her shyness so quickly. I laughed weakly and rested my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. My breathing had gone a little jagged, but hopefully she wouldn't notice. My fever was definitely getting worse, and my clothes weren't helping. I couldn't help but think what bad timing she had in coming here.

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