Chapter 34

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My nerves stood on end as the last bell of the day rang, dismissing us from our final Waltz practice. We had taken up the majority of 8th, 9th, and 10th period in order to fully memorize the dances and go through it perfectly. It was utterly incredible how we managed to learn a waltz in such a short time, but the dance instructors were impeccable.

"We'll see you all tonight." The freshmen dance instructor smiled, nodding her head at everyone as we left the room in a single filed line. I made my way to my locker, spinning the combination on the lock and unzipping my bag. Halfway through the process of gathering my homework for the winter break, a group of boys passed behind me, shoving each other as they approached the door down the hall. Cameron was one of them, sending me a grin as his friend slung his arm around his shoulders roughly. A few whispers were exchanged between the two, Cameron's friend eying me before they disappeared.

"Well, that wasn't awkward." I muttered to myself as I zipped my bag up.

"That boy do you say it? Ah, checking you out." Sage barked from my conscious, her amused tone giving a hint of mischief. Then again, everything she'd say and do was ill-behaved and impish. "Do you think that blonde boy likes you? I think so. Most definitely."

"Cameron? No way."

"Yes, him. I suppose it does not matter, considering you're interested in another boy."

"Sage, please don't do this." I groaned, my cheeks easily heating up. I frowned and leaned against the lockers, waiting for Casey and Selena to come by. We were supposed to head over to Casey's house to get ready for the Ball in a few hours. Mine and Selena's house were along the way, so we were only going to drop off our bags and pick up our dresses. Casey had the makeup and hair products ready for use back at her place.

"I'm not allowed to tease you?"

"No." I retorted immediately.

"You do not deny your feelings for him anymore. That's an improvement.

"Yeah, well, how can I? I'm hopelessly crushing on him."

"You are pretty far in." Sage agreed wholeheartedly, making a rasping noise that was undoubtedly her stifled laughter. I tucked my face into my scarf, embarrassed. After a few minutes of silence, the girls came around and we made our way out of the school, practically sprinting out of the school's campus. We slowed our pace as we got closer to Selena's house, pausing just outside the gate and waiting for Selena to put her bag away. A few moments later, we were already on the route to my house.

"I feel nauseous." I admitted quietly as we walked, the weight of Jackson's present in my bag feeling a lot heavier than it should. I didn't know why I had brought it along with me to school, since I knew I was giving it to him tonight, but I suppose I was too nervous to fully understand my actions early this morning. Either way, I was already feeling the slight anxiety of his gift and the Ball.

"You'll be fine! We'll be with you the whole time." Selena smiled, having a bounce to her step as she gingerly held onto the bag with her dress.

"Unless you end up being alone with Jackson." Casey winked, shooting a toothy grin at me. I felt my nerves instantly stand on end.

"Oh, God. Stop it, you're making things worse." I cried out, briskly crossing the street after a white Honda zipped down the empty road. The butterflies in my stomach were flapping around violently, too extreme for the gentle creatures they were normally portrayed as. I took a few deep breaths, biting at my lip. "I'm not very good at intimacy. I mean, not really, but I get nervous just thinking about it."

"Have you ever kissed someone before?" Selena asked suddenly, earning a choked laugh from Casey. "What? I'm just asking."

"Ah, yeah I have, but they were more like pecks and stuff." I informed them awkwardly, brushing my fingers through my hair self-consciously.

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