Chapter 7: Thumbelina

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"Don't come," Blake said over the phone.

"It's not even that bad, Blake," I assured, looking out the window. It was raining so hard I couldn't see the road from where I was standing.

"Liz, no."

"Fine. I'll just find something to pass the time." I hung up. I really wanted to see Abby with her new-found love but today wasn't the day.

I heard the doorbell ring. Who the hell was driving in this craziness? Someone as crazy I figured out.

"What the hell, Blake?!" I yelled. He had a box of microwaveable popcorn and a crazy smile.

"Hey, honey! I'm home!" He said, walking in.

"You're stupid. I'll get you a towel," I sighed.

After I got him a towel and he dried off, he explained why he was here. He was driving to Xavier's when it started to pour. He'd remembered he always had popcorn with him because he was always prepared for a movie night. My house was closer to where he was so he decided to stop by.

"So let's have a movie night!" Blake loudly exclaimed. "You pick the movie. I don't care what you pick."

I thought about it for a minute. And then it hit me. It was the perfect movie for dragging me to a karaoke restaurant.

"Thumbelina!" I yelled. He jumped from my sudden decision.

"No. Not that. It's for girls." He pleaded.

"You said you wouldn't care," I taunted. Blake rolled his eyes, then looked into mine. He'd figured why I'd picked that movie. He nodded slyly.

"Alright. I'll play your little game." Blake grinned as he made his way toward the couch. I grabbed the popcorn and followed the instructions and put it into the microwave. Blake already had the movie set up to go.

I heard the ding from the microwave and poured it into a bowl. I set it on Blake's lap and grabbed a big, cozy blanket and curled in it on the couch. Blake soon pulled my blanket for him to have some. Then we soon started the movie.


"So why did I enjoy this?" Blake shockingly asked when the movie was over.

"Because it was magical and depressing at the same time."

"I know there's someone, somewhere, someone, who's sure to find me, soon," he began singing in his silliest voice. I started laughing.

"After the rain goes, there are rainbows. I'll find my rainbow, soon." I'd joined in, smiling. We were pressing up against each other as we sang. Gave me butterflies I tell ya.

"Soon, it won't be just pretend. Soon a happy ending." I soloed. "Love, can you hear me, if you're near me." We got oddly closer. "Sing your song, sure and strong and, soon." I sang softer.

Blake was now three inches from my face, smiling. His green eyes twinkled in the darkness. His jaw was sharper than a new knife. His black hair spiking up the ceiling. I wanted to lean in and kiss his lips, but he probably didn't feel the same way I did about him. After an awkward second of looking into each other's mushy eyes, thunder crashed, making both of us jump away from each other.

"That song's so cheesy," Blake finally said, scratching his head.


"Well, I gotta bounce! See ya," he notified, jumping off the couch.

"It's still raining."

"A little rain never hurt anybody, Rivers." He squeezed my arm. When he went towards the door, I'd remembered the jacket he left the day before. It was still on the stairwell.

"Oh, Blake. Your jacket," I said, reaching for it. Blake put his hand up to stop.

"Keep the jacket. It looks better on you than it ever did on me," he grinned then disappeared into the gloomy gray rain.

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