Chapter 21: Dress Shopping With The Perv

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Elizabeth's POV

"You're kidding!" Abby yelled when I told her about the promise ring.

"You guys are so adorable!" Sophie squealed.

"ENOUGH, with the lovey stuff. We came here to get our Prom dresses," Cici bursted out, scaring us all.

"She's right," Samantha started to say. "I want to look bootyful at Prom, even if Nick isn't there."

"He will," I said. "He said so."

We all got up from the table and started walking into Your Last Prom before something suddenly got a hold of my arm. I turned around to find Andrew Russel with his smug face on.

"Hey, baby," he started to say. "You are so sexy, you know that?"

"Shut up, knucklehead," I shot back, trying to pull away.

"You're already making nicknames for me? How cute! Come on, let's go to Spencer's." He pulled me closer to the disgusting store for horny guys.

"Ew! Let go!"

"C'mon, baby. You know you still want me."

"That was a long time ago, Andrew. Now, let go!"

"I DON'T believe you." He kissed me cheek quickly before Abby came over.

"What the hell are you doing, Andy? You're such a perv," Abby yelled at him.

"I can't help it. She's mine now. I want to bang this beautiful body." Andy had me right up against him and was now sniffing my hair like it was a drug.

"Thanks for the compliment, Andy!" I yelled as I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell onto the floor and groaned in pain.

"Little bitch," Abby spat before we turned around to see the rest of the girls laughing. Abby and I exchanged smiles and turned back to them.

"C'mon. We need dresses," Samantha said as we all walked into the store.


"It's perfect, Samantha," I exclaimed while Samantha twirled around in a brown mermaid fitted dress.

"Guys, I think this is the one," she said with a smile plastered to her face.

"I'll say. You are smokin'. I'm startin' to dig you," Andy bursted out. He'd followed us into the store because, well, he's a pervert.

"Calm you boxers, Andy," Sophie said to him.

"I think the dress looks like sh-" Cici started to say until Abby covered Cici's mouth to stop her from saying it.

"It's gorgeous. It's your color." Abby gave Samantha a bright smile.

"I'm gonna get it. Thanks you guys."

"You're welcome." Andy got up and started to follow her into the dressing room, but we all got up and ran right in front of him.

"No you're not!" We screamed in unison.


"Stop it! I'm sorry, Blake. Some people are just so immature! Shut up! I gotta go. Bye." I stared at Andy and Cici who were teasing me because Blake had called me.

"So, what's so special about this guy that I don't have?" Andy asked.

"He actually cares about me."

"Aww! How sweet!" Cici said sarcastically in a baby voice.

"And I don't? I care that you've never did the dirty. And I want to help you with that." Andy was right up in my face. I tried to push him away, but he got even closer. I started to lean back since there wasn't a back to the couch I was sitting on. Cici started to laugh when my back hit the seat. Andy scanned my body up and down and started to lean in even closer than he already was until Sophie bursted out of the dressing room.

"How do I look?! Oh," she said when she saw what was happening. I quickly jumped out of my seat and crossed my arms. Andy was staring at me with a sensual face. I rolled my eyes and shot them at Abby.

"I told you we shouldn't have left the two of them alone," Abby snickered with her hands on her hips.

"Hey! I was supervising," Cici said.

"Anyways, she's taken. Show him the ring." Abby jerked her head towards my hand.

"You're engaged?!" He yelled.

"It's a promise ring." I rolled my eyes again.

"So you're not taken." Andy got up and ran his hand across my jaw.

"No! Stop." I quickly pulled away and walked away from the group. I thought Andy was cute and sweet in the beginning of middle school, but I never acted on it. He then stole my diary that said that I thought he was cute, but he never told anyone. But that never stopped him from teasing me about it. We started "dating" freshman year and we were at his house messing around and his phone dinged and who do you think it was? Joey, of course. They were sexting. So I ran out of the house and cried. We never kissed or did anything and I didn't actually think it was going to go anywhere, which it didn't.

I still find him attractive, but being a pervert about everything is a big turn off for me. Sure, it's fine to act sexual at times, but it has to be appropriate. But Andy acted like that all the time. And I didn't want to deal with that. And, I was finally dating Blake. I did love Blake, and that's why I walked away.

I didn't end up buying a dress. I was too frustrated to look for one. But Sophie got a teal and black poofy dress with some decorative flowers at the torso and Cici got a long dark blue dress with a wrapped look on the torso and some beading. Abby had already gotten her dress a few weeks before.


After we went shopping, we went back to my house and called up the guys for a movie. We were waiting for the pizza to come, and got excited when the doorbell rang. But I was very unhappy when I saw who it was.

"What are you doing at my house?" I asked Andy, who was on my front steps.

"I want to help you, Lizzy. Ooh, I love how that feels when I say it. Lizzy. Lizzy."

"Is there a problem here?" Blake asked when he saw who was at the door.

"Yes. Your girl here is too hot for you. And I want to bang her. So step aside for Handy Andy!" He started to walk into the house. When Angel heard his voice, something clicked. He jumped up and walked straight to Andy with an angry face on. Once he got close, Angel punched Andy right in the face. Everyone was in shock.

"What gives you the right to just show up here after what you've done?!" Angel screamed at him. This was going to be bad.

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