Chapter 20: Ring On It

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Elizabeth's POV

"I'm breaking up with you," Jessie cried to Blake. It's about time. Abby, Blake, and I were sitting outside during free period when Jessie just showed up and blurted that out.

"I totally understand. See ya around," Blake responded, then turned back to us. Bur Jessie tapped on his shoulder to get his attention again.

"What the hell, Moore?! You aren't even gonna fight for this?" She ran her hands from her torso to her hips to then stare at Blake, waiting for an answer.

"Why fight it? It was coming. Now go ahead and have fun."

"I will. With Jackson. He's such a big sweetheart. He even gave me this charm bracelet. You never got me anything!"

Abby stared at her with angry eyes. Jessie was wearing the exact same charm bracelet Jackson gave her when they started dating. Jackson probably kept it right after Abby threw it right in his face at the beach.

"That's true. Oh bother. I guess I was a mistake," Blake admitted.

"Yes, you were! Now don't ever talk to me again!" Jessie sashayed away and ended up in Jackson's arms. I couldn't help but to say this.

"You go, Glen Coco!" Abby started choking on her water when I started to pat Blake on the back.

"I love that movie," Abby finally announced when she got her breath back.

"We watched it yesterday," Blake added, making Abby look uncomfortable.

"Are you two dating or something? Because if you two are, Liz, we gotta have a talk if you know what I mean."

Blake and I looked at each other with an asking look.

"Are we dating?" Our faces asked each other. I quickly turned away and started to nibble on one of my nails. I didn't know if we were or not. And if we were, he would my first serious one.

I've never been in a real relationship before. I've dated but it wasn't serious. I didn't feel ashamed, but I always used to push the idea of having a boyfriend away. I wanted it to be perfect when the time came.

I had my first kiss with Blake. I never told anyone, but it was true. I felt like I was too old to have not had my first kiss. Anyways, I was scared what Blake would say. If he said yes, I would be joyous, but he'd never asked me out. And if he said no, I would lose hope in ever having him to call mine.

"Not yet," I finally heard Blake say. I sighed with relief. That was a good answer.


"Nick, I just need answers. Please, would it hurt you if I asked you why? Why you're in California?" I left in a voicemail to him. I tried to call him every day since he left, but only called me that one time.

I fell onto the couch with no hope whatsoever. He was never gonna call me back. And I kind of understood it, sort of. I guess he needed time.

"Nick?!" I yelled to myself when I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it slowly to only find Blake on the other side. I was disappointed, but happy. He was wearing a sky blue button down shirt with jeans, and he was holding a white rose.

"You're adorable," I chirped. Then he walked in the door and pecked me on the cheek.

"I'm taking you on a date," he said bluntly.

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