Chapter 29: The Time Lord

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Sherlock stood in the front yard of the old house, watching Mycroft's men as they forced Richard Brook into the back of an SUV. The detective couldn't help but smirk as he watched the SUV drive away, carrying the criminal to whatever location Mycroft had arranged. The elder Holmes stood beside him, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"This mess you've gotten yourself into is going to result in ghastly amounts of paperwork," Mycroft said in a bored tone.

"Oh, I'm sure you can handle it," Sherlock replied sarcastically.

Mycroft didn't say anything immediately. Instead, he turned to face one of the ambulances, where a paramedic was bandaging Kimmy's hands. The Doctor was sitting beside her with an armed wrapped around her shoulders in a gesture of comfort. "Strange thing, time travel," he said, pointing at her with the umbrella he always carried. "The last time I saw Kimberly Watson, she was older and I younger. And the Doctor doesn't even look like the same man."

"So she's going to be traveling with him for several more years," Sherlock commented. He could tell how much she loved traveling and was strangely pleased to hear that she would continue doing it.

"At least," Mycroft agreed. "Do give the Doctor a message for me. Tell him that, when all else fails, Kimberly Watson is the only one who can help him. He will know what you mean." Before Sherlock could reply, he turned on his heel and walked towards his car.

Shaking his head at his brother, Sherlock walked over to join Kimmy and the Doctor. The paramedics had finished tending to Kimmy's hands and the Doctor was retying the bowtie around her wrist. "What did they say?" he asked, coming to a stop next to them.

Kimmy looked up at him and smiled, saying, "They said I don't need stitches, so that's good. They wanted us to go to the hospital, but the Doctor convinced them we didn't need to." As she spoke, she playfully elbowed the Time Lord in the side. He laughed and ruffled her hair, making several loose strands stand up with static. It didn't take a genius to tell that the two were best friends.

"If you're going to talk to Mary, you should do it now," Sherlock advised, nodding in the direction of the other ambulance, where Mary was. "They won't let her talk them out of taking her to the hospital."

Kimmy nodded and stood up, nervously wiping her hands on her jeans before immediately wincing in pain. Sherlock waited until she was out of earshot before he turned back to the Doctor. "So, you're the Time Lord," he noted.

The Doctor nodded, standing up to shake Sherlock's hand. "Kim has told me a lot about you, Mr. Holmes," he said.

"Likewise," Sherlock replied. He looked over his shoulder just to be sure Kimmy wouldn't hear what he was about to say. "My brother claims to know you."

"Ah, yes, Sherrinford," the Doctor said, nodding. "Great guy. Doesn't think bowties are cool, though," he added with a slightly annoyed look.

"I was talking about Mycroft," Sherlock corrected.

"Oh, no I haven't met him yet," the Doctor replied, shaking his head. "Time lines, meeting out of order, it can be very annoying at times."

"He asked me to tell you that, when all else fails, Kimmy is the only person who can help you. Does that mean anything to you?"

The Doctor thought for a second, but then shook his head. "Not at the time, but I'm sure it will eventually. River, my wife, tends to give cryptic messages like that one. I always figure it out in the end."

Sherlock glanced back at Kimmy, who was watching the ambulance with Mary drive away from the old house. Without looking away from her, he said, "Something tells me you're not going to like it when you do."


Three chapters left after this one. This is the first story I've ever shared with anyone, so it's kind of bittersweet to see it coming to an end. I'm still willing to do a question and answer chapter if you have any questions, so feel free to ask anything.

Farewell for now, lovely readers.

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