Chapter 6: Help Wanted

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"In about five years he's going to help you and Dad with a case," Kimmy explained, slightly worried. "That's when I met him, anyway."

Sherlock was silent for a long time. You shouldn't have said anything about Sherrinford, she scolded herself. Dad's always telling you to think before you talk. One of these days you're going to learn to listen to him!

"Okay," Sherlock said suddenly, making her jump a little. "Let's go save your mother."

"You're going to let me help?"

"You won't be able to help me with everything," Sherlock stated. "It is very likely going to get dangerous, and I'm not going to put John Watson's daughter in danger. I also assume that people who will know you in the future shouldn't see you while you're here?"

"Right," Kimmy answered. "That's Molly, Inspector Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and Mycroft, though I don't see him very often."

"Better not risk it," Sherlock said. "Even if you didn't know Lestrade, we couldn't go to him right now. As soon as we do, Moriarty will know we found his message—if he doesn't know already. Molly might be able to help us, but I'd rather not go to her just yet. Moriarty won't overlook her a second time and I won't put her in danger needlessly." He didn't notice Kimmy smile while he talked about Molly. Hearing him talk about her was the sweetest thing Kimmy had ever heard.

Sherlock was still talking when Kimmy interrupted him. "We still need someone to help us. Moriarty might have left evidence in the flat. You're good, but we really need an expert. Can't you call in a favor with someone at Scotland Yard?"

"Not without Lestrade finding—" Sherlock cut himself off. Kimmy could practically see the light bulb in his head going off.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Do you know Phillip Anderson?"

"No," Kimmy replied, shaking her head. "He moved to America when I was a kid."

"As much as I hate to go to that idiot for help," Sherlock said, "he might be able to help us."

"Okay," Kimmy said, nodding. "Where is he?"

"No idea," Sherlock answered, looking at the road. He waved one hand, getting the attention of a passing cab.


Author's Note: I know that the chapters have been really short so far, but I promise they will get longer, just bear with me.

So, what do you think so far? Nobody from the future can see Kimmy, but she went to Sherlock—what does that say about the future of our consulting detective? And what does it say about Mary, the person Kimmy came to see? And where is the Doctor in all this? Fear not, these questions shall all be answered.

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