Chapter 7: The Power of Twitter

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"Okay," Kimmy said, nodding. "Where is he?"

"No idea," Sherlock answered, looking at the road. He waved at a passing cab, getting the cabbie's attention. The vehicle came to a stop and Sherlock climbed in. Kimmy followed him, pulling the door closed.

"Where to, sir?" the cabbie asked.

"Baker Street," Sherlock answered. He tried to go to his mind palace, hoping there would be something that could tell him where Anderson was. Unfortunately, he could hear Kimmy's thumbs tapping the screen of her mobile phone, which was horribly distracting. "Stop that," he ordered.

"Stop what?" she asked innocently.

"Stop tapping that screen, it's horribly distracting."

"I thought we were trying to find Anderson?" she said without looking up from the screen.

"We are, that's why I need you to stop that," Sherlock stated. "So I can think."

"No need," Kimmy said. "He's at the Tower of London right now."

"How do you know that?" Sherlock asked. If he hadn't been able to figure it out, there was no way a teenage girl had managed to deduce Anderson's location.

"Twitter," she answered, holding up the phone so he could read what was on the screen. There was picture of Anderson and two people who looked like relatives with the words Tower of London with the cousins printed under it. "He posted that five minutes ago. If we hurry we might be able to catch him."

"Good idea," Sherlock agreed. "Change of plans," he said to the cabbie, "take us to the Tower of London."

"Yes, sir," the cabbie replied with a nod.

"What are we going to tell Anderson?" Kimmy asked. "About why we need his help, I mean."

"We'll tell him that you've come to me asking me to find your mother," Sherlock explained. "We just won't tell him the truth about who your mother is. He shouldn't know where John and Mary live, so he won't have reason to be suspicious."

"And if he doesn't agree to help us?"

"Then we tell him the truth and scare him into helping us," Sherlock said flatly, making Kimmy laugh.

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