Chapter 19

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Laura pov.

''I found my second power!'' I said smiling.

''What?'' Jack asked confused.

''I found my second power!'' I repeated.

''You mean...the second power...White wolf?'' Jack mumbled something to himself.

''What is it?'' Luke asked.

''Water!'' I said happy.

''Tell me what happened.'' Luke said and I nodded. I walked and sat down in front of them.

''Well...'' I started to explain. I told them about everything that happened. How I was walking to the beach. How the water calmed me. Everything.

I was telling them how I was talking to the Moon Goddess and what she told me when I saw that Luke close his eyes. I stopped talking and looked at him. Jack looked confused at me and then looked at the direction I was looking.

After few second Luke opened his eyes and looked around.

''What's wrong?'' Jack asked.

''Nothing, just one of our guards told me something.'' He said.

''What did he say?'' Jack asked.

''I'll tell you later'' Luka said and Jack nodded. They both looked at me, ''Continue.''

''Well the Moon Goddess told me that I have two powers from the elements. Water and fire. If I use them together that they will be really powerful" I explained to them with a smile.

''Wow'' Jack said and I smiled at him, ''My sister is really powerful.''

I was about to tell them something, but I smelt something. The smell was getting stronger and stronger, but I pushed it away. Luke saw me smell the air and he smiled. I looked at him confused and continued to tell the story.

''But the bad thing is that it will take a lo-'' I was telling them, but the someone opened the door. The smell was really strong now. I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. At the door stood Ross.

I don't know how long we were looking each other eyes, but it felt like years.

''Jack, Dylan let's go talk to Eric'' Luke said and stood up. Jack nodded and they walked out.

When they were out the door, Ross fell down to his knees.

''I'm sorry Laura. I didn't want to hurt you and Jane, I just wanted to protect her and you. I know I had to let him go, but I was scared that he would hurt you or Jane. I care about mates. I love everything about mates.'' Ross pleaded and took my hands in his while looking in my eyes.

"Please...please forgive me. I love you." He whispered to me and I gasped. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes and soon after they started to slide down my cheek.

I didn't know what to say. I was speechless.

I pulled him up and he still was looking in my eyes.

"Please...please. I love you Laur-" before he could answer I pulled him closer and kissed him.

He quickly kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me as close as possible and kissed me with so much power, showing me how much he really loves me. I smiled against his lips and hissed him back with the same power. We kissed like this for a time until I pulled away. He put his forehead against mine and looked in my eyes.

''Please forgive me Laura. I love you!'' Ross whispered, looking in my teary eyes.

''I forgive you Ross'' I whispered back. He smiled and kissed me again. This time it didn't last as long because I pulled away.

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