Chapter 28

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Laura pov.

"These were the longest 13 hours ever!" Emma said walking out of the jet.

"I know right! That monkey wouldn't shut up! He was so annoying!" Jane said.

"Hey!" Aiden said," You're just saying that because you are grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy! You are just too monkey like!" Jane snapped back at him.

"Will you just stop yelling at each other! If not then I will sent you back to the pack and you will have to clean the whole pack house!" Ross said angry and James just nodded, agreeing with Ross.

All the way to Africa they were fighting. They only stopped fighting when one of them went to the bathroom or went to go to sleep.

Ross was on the edge the whole ride. He was ready to push Aiden off the jet just so it would be quiet. I had to stay next to him all the time so he wouldn't lose control of his wolf.

"Okay, okay." Aiden said, looking down.

"Now come on let's go." Ross said, putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. I put my hand on his chest and smiled at him. He looked down and gave me a smile back, kissing my forehead.

"So when we reach Butre where are we going to stay?" James asked, "I don't think there are hotels in a village like Butre"

"I have thought about that and decided that we will stay here in Accara and drive to Butre to look for Amos." Ross said answering James question.

"When are we going to search for him?" Emma asked.

"Well it's midnight now so tomorrow after breakfast." I answered and she nodded.

While we were walking to the car nobody talked. It wasn't awkward, we just didn't have anything to say.

We walked to black SUVs and jumped in. Some people had already put our bags in the back do we wouldn't have to carry them.

While driving to the hotel Ross and James talked about the plan for tomorrow. Aiden was joking again, but when it came to business he was serious. Aiden is the weirdest person I have ever met. And trust me I have met a lot.

When we reached the hotel we walked in and Ross asked for our rooms keys.

Ross and I shared a room. James and Emma shared a room. Jane and Harry had a room together. Aiden, Carter, Oliver and Daniel shared a room together. The rest of the guards had two rooms for them.

"I'm so happy we are finally away from them." Ross said walking in our room, putting the bags down next to the bed.

''You know we have to live with them our whole life right?'' I asked jumping on the bed.

''I know...Can we go live somewhere else?'' Ross asked sitting next to me on the bed with hopeful eyes. I just shook my head and he frowned.

''You know you can't run away from them.'' I said while he lied next to me, pulling me close.

''I know, but still. We could live in our own house. There would be no one just the two of us... and maybe later even some little us.'' Ross suggested and I gave him a small smile.

''I know that would be great but now is not the right time. We have a lot of going on right now. When the war and Derek is gone then we can move in our own house.'' I said and he smiled.

''Promise?'' he asked, putting his arms around me and snuggling into me like he does every time.

''I promise.'' I said and soon darkness took over me.

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