Chapter 29

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Laura pov.

''I'm the guardian wolf?'' I asked Amos who nodded. Everybody was shocked just like me. They all depend on me. Every werewolf depended on me. Every Alpha, Beta, Luna, Gemma, Omega depended on me. Me. The girl who just started to learn how to control her powers. The girl who only discovered that she is a white wolf when she turned 16.

I was scared. What if I do something wrong? What if I fail them? What if I'm not as strong as I need to be? What if I-

''You're strong, you won't fail them. Nothing will go wrong, but if something does they will understand. No one is perfect, not me, not your mate, not your friends, not your pack or even you. We all are living beings. We will make mistakes in the future, but we try and make them good when we realize the wrong.'' Amos said reading my mind. He just read my mind? How?

''Laura, I have powers just like you. I can read people's minds, control the weather and become invisible.'' Amos answered my question that I was thinking in my head.

''Can you tell me everything that you know? Please, I need to know who I really am, what can I do, how much evil is out there, just everything. Please Amos.'' I pleaded and he nodded, but then looked at all my friends, thinking.

''I will tell you everything I know, but first answer this one question.'' He said, looking back at me and I nodded, telling him he can ask me, ''Do you trust everyone in this room?''

I looked at him like he was crazy. Of course I trust them they all are my friends. I know they would kill themselves for me just like I would kill myself for them.

''I know this question seems stupid to you, but I need to know that you really trust them. Because if this information goes into the wrong hands that not only you will be in danger, but all the world can be in danger. The smallest words can make the biggest disaster.''

By this Ross pulled me closer and squeezed my hand. I gave him a small smile and looked at everyone in the room. I know I can trust my mate, because he already has proven that. I know that I can trust Emma because we have been friends since forever. Jane is my friend as well and I know that I can trust her.

James is mine and Ross's beta plus Ross's best friend. If Ross trust him that I can trust him as well. He is also my friends mate so I know he will do everything to make Emma happy.

Aiden. I know he is crazy and everyone thinks that you can't trust him, but I do. He is one of my best friends and I know that he is immature, but he is serious when you need him to be. He will do anything for me, I just know it.

Harry. I have known him for three weeks and more, plus he was a rogue before coming to Ross's territory to attack our pack and get me. He was working for our enemy, but he changed sides because of his mate. I know a lot of mates change just for their other half and Harry is one of them. That boy would do anything for Jane...

''I trust them. I trust them all. They have proven their trust to me in all of the fight we had. They are my best friends and I trust them with my life.'' I said with a proud smile of how amazing friends I have.

''We trust you to Laura with our lives as well.'' Jane said for them all and they nodded.

''Thank you guys. You are the best friends ever.'' I said with a big smile on my face.

''I see that you have found really good friends and that you trust them just like they trust you. So if you trust them I will trust them as well and tell you all about the white wolf and more.'' Amos said and gave me smile, which I returned, ''So where do I begin?''

''How about the start'' Ross said and I nodded, putting my head on his shoulder. Ross smiled and kissed my temple. Amos nodded and gave us a sweet smile.

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