Chapter five

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I awoke to the sound metal banging against each other. When I opened my eyes I had to quickly shut them cause of how bright it was.
"Rise and shine initiates!" Eric barked, "you have an hour to shower and eat before training starts" and with that he was gone.
Last night when I got back Peter bombarded me with questions. I, of course told him what had happened and the entire time he looked at me with the same smug look as usual.
"Whoa stiff's got a body. Take more off stiff, let's see what you've been hiding." Peter started so I slapped him on the back of the head and tried not to laugh.
"Will you stop it? Leave the poor girl alone."
The look on his face was priceless. After she walked out he turned to me.
"What the hell was that about? Sticking up for a stiff. Have you lost your damn mind?" He stated
"No, you know the saying 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?'"
"Yeah, so?"
"There's something about her, I don't know what, but I feel like I need to keep her close"

After I hopped out of the shower Peter turned to me while I was finished getting dressed
"What do you the first day will consist of?"
"I don't know, probably the basics," I say as I finished tying my shoes.
We headed to the pit and got something to eat. We finished and still had a half hour left so we headed to the training room early.
When we got there it was just us. Four and Eric weren't even here yet. We looked around and saw orange bags, a board with number 1-30 on it and mats.
About 20 minutes later Eric and Four showed up and walked over to us.
"How long have you two been here?"
"About what, 20 minutes now?" I said looking at Peter, which he nodded his head in response.
Everyone else started to pile in not long after.
"Today initiates, we will learn the basics of fighting. Over the course of stage one, you will also learn how to shoot a gun, and throw knives." Four said as he looked around. "We'll split you up into three teams. First will be the ones running, then the second will be the ones on the punching bags. And thirdly will be the ones watching the demonstration. But don't worry, you'll all be doing all of it today."
"Great." Peter said "let's see how many can't do a basic mile." I just had to laugh cause when Four said running, you should have seen the looks across their faces.
"At the end of the day, you will receive your first rankings. Anyone below the red line has to get their asses moving." Eric said "Alright let's get started,"
When they finished splitting us up, Peter and I were in the first group. We were both competitive people, and there was no way anyone would rank higher than us or beat us in the mile. We both knew we'd have the top two spots, but which one would rank first?
"Ready to lose Lily?"
"In your dreams Peter," I smirked.
Eric told us all to start and Peter and I took off. He was a few steps ahead of me, and he kept making stupid comments just to piss me off.

Peter and I were leading the pact, and that wasn't surprising. I looked back and we couldn't even see the rest of them. Halfway through Peter was breathless, huffing and puffing. The thing about him is, he never knew how to pace himself when running.
As we rounded the last corner we could see the finish line and that's when I picked up my speed. I was equal with Peter until I looked at him and smirked. He knew what was coming. I took off in a full sprint and he tried to keep up but he had gassed himself out. I looked back and saw his face and I couldn't help but laugh.

I crossed the finish line with my hands raised and a smile from ear to ear. I looked at Eric and saw him trying to hide the smile that was appearing on his face. I winked at him and ran to the water station. I sat on the bench and wait for Peter to get over here.
"Here's some water," I said while smirking at him
"Thanks asshole," he replied and grabbed the water from me.
I couldn't help but laugh, "someone's a little sour,"
"Yeah yeah. Let's see how well you do with the rest of it." He responded mumbling to himself.

Once everyone else showed up, we got to move onto the demonstration. Four showed us the basics. How to block, punch, kick, ect. Then told us to pair up. So of course Peter and I were partners.
"Don't worry Lily, I'll be easy on you" he smirked
"Please Peter, you don't know the meaning of the word easy. Plus, I'd expect nothing but the best from you."
"You're right," and he swung, trying to catch me off guard. I easily dodged it and punch him in the side.
"Geez, Peter. You're getting a little sloppy." I laughed at him
"Ha ha. Very funny, Lily" he smirked at he connected his fist to my face. He was holding back, but so was I. We didn't know if we were supposed be practicing or trying to murder each other.
After lunch, we got to practice on the bags.
"So, Eric has been staring at you all day. Hell even right now." Peter said
"He has not! You must be mistaken." But I looked over my shoulder and noticed it too. So I lightly smiled and went back to what I was doing.
"You stance is a bit off initiate. Maybe if you paid more attention to what you were doing rather than looking around you would be moving the bag more. " I heard behind me
When I turned my head, Eric was behind me with his cold grey eyes and his signature smirk on his lips.
"Well, why don't you actually show me how to do it instead of standing there trying to make a fool out of me." I replied
"Watch yourself initiate, remember who you're talking to." Eric snarled but he did help.
"Keep tension in your stomach, and pivot into the hitting." He positioned my body while whispering in my ear.
His hands were warm against my body and I really didn't want them to leave. But, good things must come to an end and he let go of me.
"Now try" he said.
I did what I was told and then swung. The bag moved further than before.
"Now keep doing that," Eric said before walking back to Four.
"Dude, what was the sass about?" Peter asked
"I have no idea. It just came out of no where." I shrugged

"Alright everyone, that's it for today. Go get some food and relax before bed. See you in the morning." Four said
"Oh Lily, stay back for a sec" Eric said and I knew that look.
As everyone left I stayed behind.
"What was that about today?" Eric asked but he wasn't mad like I thought.
"I don't know honestly, it just came out." I responded honestly
"Well I liked it. You weren't that feisty back in Erudite." He smirked
"Well you and I both know I couldn't be that feisty in front of others," I laughed.

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