Chapter ten

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After Jeanine left yesterday, Peter and I went back to find his parents to give them a tour. We showed them the pit, where we slept, the training room and the shops.

Today we were fighting. To say I was excited was to say the least. We haven't practice in about a week. We have mostly been on the bags and shooting.

"Today, we will be pairing you up for your second to last fight." Four started

"Those of you who are below the red line better step it up. If you are still below the red line at the end of your final fight next week will be leaving us. If that's not motivation enough then I don't know what is" Eric finished

"Lily and Christina. You're up first" Eric smiled

Honestly, I don't know why he hates Christina so much. Maybe cause of all the sass she gave him. But you could see the look of fear across Christina's face when she realized she was against me.

I walked to the mat taking off my shoes and walking up the stairs. Peter patted me on the back and whispered "you've got this in the bag" and fist bumped me

Once Christina was on the mat

"The first one to knock out the other opponent out or make them concede wins" Four stated


Christina and I circled each other for a few seconds before she decided to take the first swing, which I saw coming. You see, I've noticed that she looks at the place she's going to hit before she strikes. I ducked and hit her right in the stomach. She grabbed where I hit her, leaving her face wide open and I took the opportunity. She dropped and I backed away, letting her catch her breathe. I wasn't hitting that hard. In reality I wasn't even using my full strength and I guess Peter saw that

"Come on Lily, don't play with you food"

All I could do was chuckle before Christina swung, and connected with my face. Which didn't even hurt. She looked smug until she saw my face twist into a devilish grin.

She decided to swing again and I ducked kicking her in the ribs. I round house kicked her in the face and she shoved me. So, I kicked her feet out from under her and she started to crawl away. Where in the hell does she think she's going?

"Stop, stop please" Christina begged

I looked up at Eric, eyebrow raised.

"You had enough?" Four asked "you done?"

"Yes." She said

It wasn't until Al picked her up from the mat that I saw that she had a bloody nose and you could see the bruises forming.

After our match it was Peter against Al. That match didn't take too long. Peter had knocked him out in less than five minutes. I high fived him and went to work on the bags

The last match was between Tris and a girl named Molly. This couldn't end well. Tris was out in less than two minutes. It took a right hook from Molly and she was out.

"Alright you guys, that's it for today. You have the rest of the day to yourselves but meet back her no later than 8. We're going on a trip" Four said

Everyone was walking out. Well, some walking, others limping, some being held up by friends. I was finishing packing up when I looked up and saw Peter, Four and Eric walking this way.

"Why'd you hold back today Lily?" Eric asked "I know you could have knocked her out in the first minute"

"I held back because she had to have a little bit of hope. That's also why I let her hit me." I shrugged

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