Chapter fifteen

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 It was about 7:40 when we reached the pit for breakfast. Eric had forgot to set the alarm so we were both running to grab something quick to eat. We waited in line and I grabbed a muffin, an apple and a water. Eric grabbed a plate and filled it. Are you serious?

"Eric, you're not going to finish that in ten minutes. We're going to be late" I scolded

"Correction, you'd be late if you got all this. I am a leader. It doesn't matter if I'm late" he stuck his tongue out at me "Now go, don't want to be late. Four can deduct points"

"Fine you ass," I said while jogging out of the dinning hall

"You forgot something" he responded and when I turned back he was pointing at his lips

"Hmm, no I didn't." I smirked

"Oh you little-" I was already out the door and running to the testing room. Thank God I run fast. I made it there with 4 minutes to spare

"Dude, where were you at breakfast?" Peter turned his body on the bench so he was facing me "And why are you sweaty? Wait don't answer that"

"Eric forgot to set his alarm so we woke up late and I just had to run from the pit to here. That's why I'm sweaty. So, get your mind out of the gutter" I said while smacking his shoulder

Ten minutes later and both Eric and Four walked out of the room. I could feel Eric's stare so I looked up at him, 'you're gonna get it' he mouthed and all I could do was smirk

"Alright, same as last time. We'll call you in one by one" Four started "Peter, you're up"

About eight minutes went by when the door opened again. Peter walked out and he looked somewhat pale but not too noticeable. He sat down next to me and his knee started bouncing

"You know you can leave right? I can find you after I'm done" I whispered

"No, it's fine. I'll see you soon"

"Lily," Eric cleared his throat "It's your turn"

Great. Wonder what it'll be today

"Have a seat Lil," Four said as Eric shut the door

"Remember what we said last time. Calm your breathing and your heart rate or learn to over come your fear" Eric stated

He moved the hair off my neck and it caused goosebumps to rise.

"Be brave" Eric whispered

With that, I was out

When I woke up, I was hot. Like, extremely hot. I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in a field and it was on fire. When I tried to run, I realized that I was tied to a post and couldn't do crap.

Okay, Lily, no time to panic. Just have to untie yourself before you burn to death. Well, that's easier said than done.

I looked around to see if there was anything I could use but I got a little distracted when I realized how close the flames were getting and it was actually starting to freak me out.

I tried to wiggle and twist but nothing was helping. Jesus, who tied these knots? Navy seals?

The flames were getting bigger and closer. I started to sweat, and I was struggling with the stupid ropes when I remembered I have a pocket knife in my back pocket and I keep it on me at all times.

I prayed it was still in there cause it was my last hope.

I moved my fingers over my back pocket, bingo, it was still there. I used my fingers to lift it into my palm so I could open it.

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