Chapter 9 (Pic of Lord & Lady Hemmingway)

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Hey guys, I was up and couldn't sleep and, yes, in pain, but I felt in the mood to write, so here's another chapter to the Duke's Wife ... and it isn't in a month! YAY! Lol, anyways, hope you like it! Don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you haven't already! I love hearing feedback!


Chapter 9

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no laws, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in it's path.

- Agatha Christie


Rhea couldn't believe how fast things had been progressing in the past fortnight. Plans of the wedding were being applied and invitations had already been sent. Rhea felt a wave of overwhelming awareness come over her.

She couldn't comprehend the increasing steadiness of the days that brought her closer to becoming Hadrian's wife. While it terrified her it also excited her. She'd find herself daydreaming of Hadrian and what it would be like on their wedding, when they spoke their vows.

She knew she was being childish and perhaps foolish, but ever since the notion that she might be in love with the duke kept reappearing in her mind constantly. She thought of him throughout her days and nights.

While it had been obvious that he still held a polite nature around her, she couldn't help but noticed that he seemed indifferent. Had he changed his mind on her becoming his wife?

She hoped not.

As her wedding day approached with sureness she was becoming more and more nervous.

"Dear god; help me," she prayed.

She didn't know how long she could anxiously await for the day where Hadrian would be hers and she would be his. Thinking of this made a delightful shiver crawl up her spine.

"Rhea, you must stay still." Lucinda reprimanded. Rhea gave a nod of acknowledgement and stayed still while the seamstress continued her fitting. She sighed lightly.

With her wedding only three days time, the household was getting hectic. Rhea worried that by the time the wedding came, they might have over done everything. But, being the organized mother that she was, Lucinda would never allow that to happen on her only daughter's wedding day.

"Alright then, my lady. The dress fits magnificently and I believe His Grace shall be very pleased." The seamstress, Diane, smirked. "I also included several other gowns, dresses and undergarments to be shipped to the Vale Mansion on Lady Rhea's wedding day."

"Very good," Lucinda nodded and smiled at Rhea's questionable face. "I just thought it would be a nice wedding gift, seeing as it will be the last time I shall see you for a while."

Rhea stared at her mother. Lucinda smiled lovingly at her daughter and beckoned her forward. Rhea stepped down from the stand and went to her mother, her hands being drawn into worn ones.

"I know," her mother started gently, "that we have went about this in the wrong way, and I am dreadfully sorry for that." Lucinda paused and Rhea waited while her mother collected herself.

"I want you to know that your father and I love you very much and we would not have gone through with this agreement if we didn't think it was the best for you."

"I know, mama." Rhea said quietly. "I do not blame you; I only wished that you would have informed me before."

Lucinda cried softly, "I understand, dear. We should have done so, I should have done so." Lucinda breathed deeply, dabbing at her eyes. "But I am so very proud of you, my dear. I couldn't have wished for a better daughter."

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