Wallflower #2

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Hello, my lovelies!!! I'm back and so excited to share some new stuff with you guys! As you all know, I've been slowly and steadily working on the second book in the Wallflower trilogy and I'm happy to say that we are nearing the time for me to start posting some chapters, but I have some announcements to make before I can do that.

#1a - Many of you know that I'm a writer on Radish, so Radish and I have an agreement that I would post my work a month in advance before I start posting anywhere else, that being said, Wallflower #2 won't be published on Wattpad until August, whereas on Radish, I should have chapters posted by Wednesday, July 12!! I know many have you been agonizingly waiting for me to post, but I hope that now you know the date, you'll be satisfied to know you won't have to wait too much longer.

#1b - On Radish, you will be able to read the first three chapters for free!!! So if you don't want to wait a month you can at least get a head start on reading Wallflower #2!! From Chapter 4 on you will have to pay 3 coins per chapter. When I was posting The Duke's Wife, I got so much support from my readers and you guys helped me out a ton. Of course, I don't require you to purchase any of my chapters, but know that you doing so is supporting me and my writing and that I appreciate it so much!!

#2 - On to the FUN stuff: Wallflower #2 Covers, I need YOUR help in deciding which cover you feel portrays Wallflower #2 the best!! You can comment down below whether you prefer cover 1 or 2a or 2b. Of course I could decide by myself, but I want to include you guys in this as much as possible. Thank you to all that participate.

P.S.: To any that want to make banners or even an alternate cover, I am definitely not opposed. As you can tell, my artistic side is very limited, so I'm more than willing to see what any of you would be willing to share . . . which is more than likely better than what I have.

Picture 1

Picture 2a:

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Picture 2a:

Picture 2b:

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Picture 2b:

#3 - As you've guessed from above, I not only have the Title of Wallflower #2, but also a summary of what The Earl's Desire is going to be about!

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#3 - As you've guessed from above, I not only have the Title of Wallflower #2, but also a summary of what The Earl's Desire is going to be about!

The Earl's Desire ~ Leia Edmond was born to be a wallflower; she was too independent and her features were too bold to catch a good husband, she never thought it a problem though; content with being a spinster. In fact, she reveled in it; she didn't, and would never, need a man to help her. That is, until she meets dashing Lord Dalting.

Despite the fact that he rejected her proposition to help her out of a marriage arrangement, Leia is allured by his mysteriousness and the secrecy he possesses, as well as his militant escapades. She, herself, is well-known for getting into debauched situations, only because she cannot help her need for adventure and excitement.

Unfortunately, her bold and meddling nature has landed her into the sights of a dangerous group. It's also put her right into the arms of Lord Dalting himself.


Lord Matthew Dalting is a soldier. He was quite satisfied with his position, caring for the needs of his country and meting out justice whenever he was called upon. He had no need for society's tradition of marrying young and providing an heir to his name. He already had enough problems to worry over than a wife and children would entail.

Despite his stand, he finds himself intrigued by Lady Leia Edmond. His need to be with her nearly matching his need to serve. And when Leia puts herself into unknown jeopardy, Dalting is there to clean up the mess, and, ultimately, protect her.

But soon enough, more trouble arises, and circumstances run afoul. For once, Dalting isn't completely sure that serving is enough for him – but is he too late? Can he tame her adventurous, male-repelling nature into being satisfied with him forever?

That's about it guys! Look out for another post that will feature the cover for The Earl's Desire (Wallflower #2) but an further announcements concerning TED! Thank you soo much for reading and for supporting me, you all have no idea how much that means to me.

Until next time, fellow writers and readers,


The Duke's Wife {Wallflower #1}Where stories live. Discover now