Chapter 18

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Hey guys sorry for the wait, I just finished getting over Walking Pneumonia and making up a crap load of make-up work and other bad stuff! Hopefully you all like this chapter ... it's pretty crappy to me but, oh, well, I just wanted to update for ya'll!! Anywho, thanks a ton for all of you that commented on the previous chapter for Chapter 1 ... I will be leaving that up, I won't touch it! Thanks guys, for helping me come to this decision ... ok, now enjoy Chapter 18!! Don't forget to show your support!!

Anna ;)


Chapter 18

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.  It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.  We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

-               Albert Schweitzer


“Ah, my love, isn’t this a wondrous day?” Hadrian grinned down at Rhea. Rhea looked up and was practically entranced with her husband’s expression. How handsome he looked in the outdoors! He caught her look and smirked knowingly at her; she flushed but kept on staring. “You are growing bolder, my sweet vixen.”

Rhea felt a shiver pass through her body at the tone of his voice. She felt him circle a hand around her waist and pull her closer. She smiled shyly at him and he leaned down closer to her.

“My lord we cannot-”

“Oh, but my dear; we can and we shall.” He whispered before claiming her lips with his own. Rhea experienced her whole body become pliant in his arms and she nearly melted into a puddle at his feet.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Rhea broke apart as she heard the sound being uttered by none other than Lord Dalting. Her face flamed as she met Matthew’s devious grin. “I must say . . . ‘Tis quite a show you two are putting on for the rest of us.”

Rhea turned away and enfolded herself into Hadrian as she heard a distinct yelp.

“Bloody hell, Vale,” Dalting muttered. Rhea’s giggle was muffled by Hadrian’s coat. She felt Hadrian pull her close before pushing her away, searching her face.

“Do not heed Dalting; he is a little buffoon who needs disciplining.” Hadrian grinned boyishly at her. Rhea smiled and looked beyond Hadrian’s frame to see her three friends sneering at her. She narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out childishly before turning to her back and marching up the hill to where their items were centered.

“Watch your manners, Vale; I may have to take you on at dawn.” Matthew said solemnly.

Hadrian quirked a brow at him, “T’would be your mistake, my friend, for we both know who is the better shot.”

Rhea couldn’t hear Matthew’s reply, only a low mutter and bouts of laughter. Rhea turned to the side and caught Hadrian’s face alight with laughter and happiness. She felt a sudden ache and wanted to take time to cherish him and this rare moment.

“Oh, my dear, you’ve plummeted far from the ground.”

Rhea glanced beside her and was shocked to see she accosted by all three of her friends; Leia, Beth and Annabel Smith, Lady Delmont, whom she had met in the country.

Rhea was glad that she had planned the outing. She was tired of being secluded in her home with only Hadrian in the early mornings or late nights. She had decided to also invite the Delmont’s – she really had enjoyed their company and found Annabel refreshing. Fortunately, Leia and Beth agreed with her.

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