10. The Apology

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A ghost of a smile took place on my mouth as the lonesome apartment building came into view. Despite the twisted events I had recently experienced, I felt the slightest bit better knowing that I'd have someone to come back to and hug. And Dustin. After seeing the tragically gut-wrenching things that I had in that building, I knew that I must keep him safe and close; now more than ever.

The car came to a stop and I was the first one out, refusing to stand another second within that sick man's presence. I could have easily lashed out at him at the several opportunities I had came across, but I knew that would only lead to insufficient satisfaction and me never being able to see her ever again...

"Think about what I said." Ryland spoke gravely, staring at me with those demonic beady eyes.

I ignored him and stormed off to my apartment, carrying my luggage with me as if it were weightless. Had I looked at his putrid face a second longer I would have my fists endlessly pummeling into his face until--

I stopped my violent train of thoughts which were progressively getting worse as I finally reached my apartment. I took a few seconds to relax my breathing, clearing my head of the past two days for now.

I had to act like everything was fine as soon as I stepped through those doors, because it was all on me to keep not only Dustin safe, but Skylar as well.

At least my other brother was out safe in college...

As I unlocked the door, all that time spent on breathing exercises flew right out the window as I stepped in. I felt my luggage slip right through my hand as my eyes landed in the middle of the living room. Large bursts of confusion, shock, and most of all rage swirled around inside.

As if that trip hadn't been bad enough...


I stirred as I heard the door opening. I slowly blinked my eyes but quickly sat up once I heard footsteps heading my way. Stealthily grabbing a pillow as a shield, I prepared myself for this sorry intruder.

I dropped the pillow when I saw a very enraged looking Nathan standing there.

"You're back early." I stated dumbly, breaking the thick tension.

"Clearly you weren't expecting me." He bit out, his flaming eyes moving over my shoulder before grabbing his bag off of the ground and taking off to his room.

I stared after him in confusion with squinted eyes seeing as I still hadn't fully woken up. What the hell was that all about?

I turned to look behind me and jumped. A very shirtless Max had been soundlessly sleeping this whole time through all the ruckus.

I pushed off the blanket that Max must have thrown over us this morning after dropping Dustin off to school and stood to my feet. Why he had come back to sleep on the floor with me and more importantly, why he hadn't woken me up and left me to suffer sleeping on the hard floor was a complete and utter mystery to me.

"Hey!" I yelled and ran down the hall after Nathan.

He was just about to swing the door closed before I made a quick dive and did a little ninja roll, landing on his rug just as it slammed shut.

Damn I didn't know I could do that...

He just stared down at me in shock mixed with a bit of amusement, before rolling his eyes and turning to grab his suitcase.

"What's gotten your panties in a twist? Aren't you happy to be back early?" I asked him, sitting crossed legged on his floor now.

I watched him as he unpacked his suitcase angrily, yet still managing to do it neatly.

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