14. The Christmas Surprise

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BY instamisbahxo

"Landon." I breathed out, staring straight at him in disbelief.

He gave me a soft smile and spoke. "We're going home baby blue."

"What?" Nathan and I said at the same time.

Before I could register what he had just said-- no, before I could register the fact that he was standing in full form right before me, Landon jumped forward and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him before whipping out a gun and pointing it at Nathan.

"What are you doing!?" I exclaimed, shocked at the whole situation, my heart now pounding twice as fast, and this time it wasn't from the excitement.

Where the hell did he get a gun from?

"Saving you." Landon said softly, looking down at me with eyes filled with emotion.

Just as I was slowly starting to piece together everything, Tyler burst into the room with a gun in hand as well and stood next to Landon.

"Tyler?" I gasped, staring up at my brother in shock.

"It's okay Sky, we're going home today." He shot me a reassuring smirk.

"Max, take Dustin in the other room." Nathan ordered in a calm tone without taking his eyes off of Landon and the gun.

Max quickly picked up a shocked Dustin and ran to his room.

I felt like punching these two for scaring the kid like that.

"Alright, hold on. What the actual fuck is going on?" Nathan said angrily now.

"We're taking Sky back to her life which you stole from her you fucktard." Tyler spat out with venom, before walking closer to Nathan with the gun pointed at his head.

"Stop!" I yelled at them. They couldn't do this. They couldn't just walk in and play hero for me. I understood that they were doing this to save me but I was growing more and more aggravated with the way they kept pointing the gun at Nathan.

I obviously couldn't blame them since all they knew about the situation was that some random hottie swooped me up from the mall and took me away. But the situation was growing more tense and heated by the second and I had to do something.

"STOP! Stop it you two please stop!" I yelled, getting livid now as they both ignored me.

Landon tightened his grip on me and pulled me back. "It's gonna be okay Sky, it's over." He tried to soothe me but it did the opposite.

"NO!" I screamed as Tyler clicked the safety off the gun.

I struggled and finally came up with an escape plan. "Ow, Landon you're hurting me!" I cried.

He suddenly let go and looked down in concern but I kicked his shin and ran towards Nathan.

"Tyler stop!" I cried, placing my body in a protective stance in front of Nathan, meeting the intense eyes of my brother.

"Skylar are you insane!?" Tyler yelled at me, his brows furrowing in confusion and panic as his arm slackened and he lowered his aim, but still kept the gun pointed to the side. "Come back here!"

"You guys don't understand, he's not gonna hurt anyone!" I exclaimed. "Please put those away and hear me out!" I pleaded desperately, shooing away Nathan as he tried to move me behind him protectively.

"Skylar he's a kidnapper!" Tyler exasperated. "Did this sicko brainwash you?" He thought out loud with an incredulous look.

"What? No! He's done nothing but help me since I've been here!" I explained. "He's made it easier for me and hasn't even laid a finger on me." I spoke in a softer tone now, straining my voice to stay leveled.

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