30. The Closure

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"They were out of strawberry smoothies, so I got you blueberry blast."

I looked up just as Nathan reached me with two cups in his hand. One was a cup of hot, steaming coffee, and the other was a tall Styrofoam cup with a straw poking out.

I pouted and took my drink from him as he sat down next to me. We were currently waiting for our flight to god knows where at our gate, and had an hour to kill. Nathan had made me stay and watch our stuff while he went to get us some drinks.

He had made sure that I was sitting facing away from the screen that displayed the flight's time and destination. He would also make sure to cover my ears every time they announced something on the intercom for our gate. It was cute how desperate he was to keep this a surprise.

I was also not allowed to change out of my dress and into regular clothes. My sweet boyfriend said I looked too gorgeous, and that I didn't have to worry about ruining the dress on the flight as he would buy me twenty-seven more dresses, his reference to one of my favorite movies causing me to shut up and comply to his smooth self. I had missed this boy too damn much to care.

"Thanks." I said anyways, before taking a sip. My eyes widened in surprise as I tasted the familiar and delicious taste of freshly blended strawberries.

"I thought you said--" I started in confusion.

"I know, I just wanted to see your reaction. You looked like you were about to cry." Nathan explained, holding back snickers but failing miserably.

I glared at him, before sipping my smoothie with a scowl.

This unfortunately caused him to laugh even harder as I silently fumed.

"I can't believe I let you kidnap me again." I pouted, crossing my arms and looking away.

"Aw come on. You know you love me." Nathan said, his laughter dying down finally.

"I'm not so sure about that anymore." I grumbled under my breath, but he still caught that.

I snuck a glance to see him looking at me now, debating on what to say next. A plot started to form in my head and I had to contain the devious smirk creeping onto my face.

"I mean you did leave for three months." I shrugged. "A lot can happen in three months." I added seriously, looking up at him again.

I almost dropped the act when I saw his wounded puppy expression as he looked at me.

"Sky, I told you I'd explain myself. I had my reasons." He spoke in a detached tone.

I couldn't bear the look he was giving me right now so I looked away.

"Skylar, you still love me... Right?" He all but pleaded.

I couldn't continue on with my evil facade any longer. So, turning back to him, I grabbed his face in my hands and connected our lips.

He took a while to respond from the shock, but slowly his lips started to move in sync with mine.

I poured every ounce of love and care I had for this boy into the kiss, feeling explosions of fiery hot sparks and butterflies in my stomach. Eventually we pulled away and breathed for air. I rested my forehead against his, looking up at him.

"Don't ever ask me that question again. Don't ever doubt my love for you." I said seriously, trying to etch that into his mind.

My heart fluttered as I saw his lips pull up in a soft smile. "You weren't really doing a good job of telling me that just a minute ago." Nathan said, referring to my devious little act.

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