[23] Welcome Back, Kat

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[24] Welcome Back, Kat

Montey's Point of View

"Close your eyes." Bonnie instructed Katniss. Kat does so.

Carefully, Bonnie takes Katniss's right hand and peels her fingers back. She places a golden circle with a bird inside of it into Katniss's palm and places her fingers around it so Kat held it in her hand. In Kat's other hand she placed a small pile of papers bound together by a rubber band.

"Think of something from our dimension." Bonnie orders.

We all watch intently as Kat starts humming quietly to herself. She sways slightly, Bonnie shuffles closer to her. Katniss slowly crumbles to the ground, her knees buckling under her and her hands releasing the objects held within them. Bonnie catches her and gently lays her on the ground.

"Is she okay?!" Madge's tone is worried. Bonnie turns her head to Madge and nods.

"What's happening to her?" Thresh asked, his eyes trained on Kat.

"Right now she's probably falling through the Break, the space between dimensions." Bonnie explained. "Give her a minute, then the Katniss from your dimension will probably be back."

"Probably?" I repeat.

Bonnie nods. "Probably."

"What if she doesn't?"

"Then she doesn't, and the Katniss you've known for the past few weeks is lost in the Break." Bonnie said this so calmly, like a serial killer would eerily say he killed a man.

We fell silent as we waited, all eyes trained on Kat's unconscious, empty body. Right now her body was simply a shell, a ghost of real life. She didn't move. Three minutes passed, yet nothing.

"Bonnie," Darius said. "Why isn't she moving?"

"She should be back any moment." Bonnie seemed to be convincing herself.


"I don't know, okay?" Bonnie snapped. "It shouldn't've taken this long! I don't know what's wrong!"

"Is she lost?" Madge asked.

"I don't-"

"W-Where am I?" a weak voice reached our ears. All eyes snapped back to Katniss. "Are we at school? Why's it so dark?"

She was okay, alive, and well though she seemed a bit dazed. Kat was propped up on her elbows, looking around trying to figure out how she got here. The troubled look that'd been in the other Katniss's eyes disappeared, replaced by our Kat's bright spark in her grey eyes. She was back.

Madge collapsed next to her and gave her a hug, which Katniss accepted, though she still looked confused as hell.

"What have you done?" a angry voice calls from farther down the field. We all turn to see him standing there. Principle Snow. He looks furious, but for once in my life I don't care if a teacher is angry with me.

"We righted what went wrong." Darius snarled at the Principle.

"You imbeciles." Snow growled. "You ruined everything!"

"No," Madge snapped. "We fixed everything! Everything that you destroyed!"

Snow glared at all of us, his snake-like eyes boring into each of us. Katniss slowly got to her feet, Madge helping her so she wouldn't fall. She looked back at the principle with just as much hatred.

"You. You're the one in that other place, the president." She growled. "You sent me to that place. And you sent that girl whose life I stole to take over my body, didn't you? You're despicable."

"You're just as much so." Snow retorted. "You fell in love with someone in the other dimension, am I correct?" Katniss's glare wavered. "That boy, Peeta. The Katniss from this dimension, she'll never want him like you did. You gave him hope, then left him."

"Shut up!" Katniss yelled, a aura of fury surrounding her. "Don't you dare bring Peeta into this."

"Oh, but he is in this."

"No. He's safe and sound where he is. Wanna know why he's safe?" Katniss snarled. "Because I fought a war for innocent people, I won against you. I killed you in the other dimension. You should be dead."

Everyone went silent. Was that true? Katniss killed Snow?

"If I have to, I'm willing to fight you again here." Katniss made her last threat.

"Oh, but that won't be possible." Snow said, checking his watch. "I'm going to die in this dimension in... four hours."

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"The other dimension's time went faster than this one's," Snow explained, sighing. "In the other dimension, Katniss would be killing me in four hours, so in this dimension, my life will end at the same time."

"Good riddance." Thresh growled from behind us, making me jump slightly. Thresh can be scary when he isn't being a big teddy bear.

Snow glared at each of us one more time, his gaze lingering on Kat, before turning and walking away.

"I should be leaving too." Bonnie said.

"Thank you so much." Madge gushed.

"No problem." Bonnie smiled at us, picking up her now packed briefcase. "Oh yea, and welcome back, Kat." With that she walked away.

Finally, everyone tackled Katniss in a group hug.

"Oh yea, Kat," Madge said, staring at something farther away. "I should probably fill you in. You went to homecoming with Peeta Mellark, and you won homecoming queen."

"What?" Katniss froze.

"What'd I miss?" Peeta's friendly voice called from the other side of the field. Katniss's face broke out into a smile.

"Go get 'im." I nudged her towards the blond. Katniss smiled at us before running over to him.

"D'aww." Darius cooed, making me laugh at him. "Whaaaat? It's adorable!" he defended himself.

"Yes," I said. "Yes it is."

Music could be heard pouring from the doors of the school gym, so everyone of us heard as the song "It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars turned on. Foxface bounced across the field to Thresh, who embraced her warmly.

I looked over at Darius, who extended his hand to me, smiling. I blushed lightly and took his warm hand. 

And then.....
We danced.


A/N: Stay tuned :)

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