[3] Welcome to School.

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[3] Welcome to Hell...I mean School

Montana's Point of View

Katniss sits in the seat next to me as Ms. Mason begins the lesson. I hate science. To pass the time I begin doodling in my journal, a habit I normally try to break but decide I'm to antsy to just sit there. I draw out some lyrics of songs in fancy letters, trying to make my sloppy hand writing look okay. 'Bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away' is now sketched down the length of my journal page, dramatic shading done in the appropriate places.

"Montana, would you like to read next?" Ms. Mason's voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up and meet the eyes of my teacher.

"Um, where are we?" I stutter.

"You wouldn't know, since your book isn't open." My teacher points out. I feel my face burn in embarrassment.

"Heh, um, sorry, Ms. M. Won't happen again." I chuckle in humiliation. I hate being called out by a teacher, it makes me feel stupid. I'm actually pretty smart, I'm a year ahead in math and in the plus classes of Social Studies and English. I want to be looked at as smart.

Ms. Mason goes on to call on someone else to read, and I quickly lean over to Katniss.

"What page?" I whisper to her. Katniss looks down at her book real quick then back at me.

"121." She replies. I quickly turn to the page to see we're learning about evolution. Crap. Didn't we learn this in 6th grade?

"Okay, now to put you guys into lab groups. Groups of four." She points out four people per group, and luckily I get put in a group with Katniss. Then there's also Zora, a quiet little redhead that gained the nickname Foxface from all of us. Then there's the devil. Peeta Mellark.

"What do we do?" Peeta asks once we're all gathered around a table. I sigh.

"We have to come up with a list of things that would improve the human life through evolution." I explain. It's simple enough, Peeta's just a idiot.

"Oh. Okay." Peeta sighs, already bored with the assignment.

"Um.. If we only had stronger people in the world then the human race would improve." I suggested.  Peeta nodded thoughtfully.

"Yea, like we shove a couple of them into a area and the one who survives longest gets to live a normal life." Peeta said. It sounded good enough, so I wrote it down. I looked over at Katniss to see her expression was a mix of shock, amusement, and terror. I didn't know what was up with her, but I decided it best not to ask.

 After listing a couple things Ms. Mason told us to get packed up to leave. I quickly grabbed my bag and shoved everything in, while Katniss put her things in a bit more carefully. The bell rung and I ran to English. It's my favorite class of the day, because writing is the one thing I've always liked doing most and we always had small writing pieces at the beginning of class.

I dart into English class, Katniss a couple steps behind me. This is the one class that Madge, Katniss and I have all together, and we cause Mr. Odair some real problems. We've only been at a table together once, that was more than Mr. Odair could handle.

I sit down at my desk, which is next to Delly, facing Darius's desk, and is diagonal to Clove's desk. I'm pretty sure if Darius weren't at my desk then I'd be killed by the annoyance at the table by now, but I deal.

"Okay, everyone." Mr. Odair announces. "We're changing seats today."

Mr. O puts a seating chart on the overhead, and the whole classroom begins to move. I look at the chart and quickly find my seat, it's shoved into a back corner, which I like. Darius is next to me, and I give him a high five as we sit down. Katniss comes over and sits across from me, which I respond to with a fist bump. Then the devil, once again, comes over and sits next to Katniss. Darius gives Peeta a good-natured smile, but I simply glare at him.

As Mr. Odair goes over tonight's homework, Darius and I get in a poking war. It starts with him poking my shoulder, then I poke his arm, he pokes my stomach, I poke his face. He pokes my neck, and I flinch slightly. My neck is really sensitive, and touching it is like pressing a giant button with the words 'Make Montana Spazzy' written on it. So of course he pokes it again. I respond with poking his  nose.

"Darius, Montana." Mr. Odair calls back. Darius and I crack up laughing, Mr. O smirks as well. I see Madge raise her eyebrows at me from across the room, I stick my tongue out at her in response.

"Okay, you guys can start your homework, help each other out if you need it." Mr. Odair announced, handing out some papers with vocabulary words on it. I sigh and grab a dictionary.

"Do we really only have two dictionaries at this table?" Peeta asks. Darius and I nod at the same time. Peeta sighs.

"This is weird." Katniss mummbled to herself. I give her a weird look, but she just lets her bangs cover her face. Katniss is acting really weird today, and I know I'm not the only one who notices it.

From across the room I see Madge mouth 'Is she okay?' But I just shrug. Mr. Odair walks over to our table.

"You guys getting this?" Mr. O asks.

"I get the assignment, but I don't get why we only have two dictionaries when we have four people at the table." Peeta whined.

"Sharing is caring, Peeta." Mr. Odair smirks. "Get to work."

He walks off and Peeta huffs.

"This is annoying you a lot more than it should." I point out. Peeta just rolls his eyes.

"You annoy me a lot more than you should." He retorted.

"Fail." I declare.

"You're a fail." Peeta really sucks at insults.

I don't know why me and Peeta hate each other, we just do. I think it's the fact that he's a nice guy, and I'm a mean person most of the time. Either way, he's still gained a nickname the devil from me.

"Hey Peeta." I say in a high pitched voice, Peeta looks at me suspiciously.

"What?" He asks, eyeing me as if I'm gonna do something dangerous, which I might.

I take one of the dictionaries and whack Peeta over the head with it. Peeta whines loudly, but me and Darius laugh. Katniss grins slightly. I glance over to see Mr.Odair roll his eyes and chuckle.

"Hey Montey," Peeta says, mimicking the voice I used earlier. I glare at him, and he shrugs.

"What?" I snap, knowing he's gonna be annoying. He suddenly smiles really big and shouts "DICTIONARY!!" as he steals the dictionaries and runs across the room like a madman. By now the whole class is laughing, including Mr.Odair. And so I do the only rational thing.

I loudly complain "Mr. Odaaaairrr! We has no dictionarieeees!"

Peeta rolls his eyes and Mr.Odair laughs. Take dat, Devil!


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