[8] Welcome to the Mall

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[8] Welcome to the Mall

Katniss's Point of View

The next day I woke early. It was Saturday, which I guess was good. I looked at the clock, 8:00. I sighed and laid in my bed staring at the ceiling for a moment. Sighing, again, I sat up in bed. I picked up my phone and checked to see that I had another message. It was from Madge.

Madge: [Meet at the mall at 11] I didn't reply, but decided I would go. That gave me three hours to do whatever. And so I skipped downstairs, thinking of millions of things I could do.

I ended up just playing with a 'iPod', which had a bunch of music on it. I had no idea what I was doing, so I just pressed button titled 'Artist'. It got me to a long list of what I was guessing to be bands. I clicked on one that said 'Panic! At The  Disco' and then pressed 'That Green Gentleman' A stream of music flowed from it, and I found myself singing along to it. Wait, how do I know this? It just seemed to come naturally.

After about a hour of seeing if I reacted the same way to other songs, I turned off the 'iPod.' I walked upstairs and into my room. I still had 2 hours, but I put on a pair of light wash skinny jeans, and a T-shirt that had a ridiculous picture of a squirrel hitting a moose with a hammer. I slipped on the boots I wore yesterday and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked the same as I did at home, yet everything was different. I didn't even know myself.

I brushed my teeth, brushed and braided my hair, played with various makeups I found, took most of it off, and accidentally sprayed myself in the face with perfume as I got ready. As I walked out of the bathroom, I looked at the clock. 10:30. I then realized that I had no idea where the mall was. I quickly got out my phone, which I was getting used to, and looked for Darius's number. If he lived close enough to walk, I hoped he could give me a ride.

[Hey, can I have a ride to the mall?] I texted, I wasn't all that fast though. I got a reply less than a minute later. [Yep. b there in 5]

After deciphering the text, I realized he would be here in five minutes, so I tucked my phone and money into my pocket and went outside to wait. I sat down on my porch step and waited. After about four minutes a red truck pulled up, and Darius's head poked out the window.

"Oh hey there." He said, making it sound more like 'Oh Hay Der.'

"Hi." I rolled my eyes, getting in the passenger side. Montey sat in the seat next to the window, but scooted over into the middle so I could get in.

"Hey gurl." Montey said in a ridiculous voice as I slid in. I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes. Darius shifted the car, and we began driving down the street. I've never actually been in a car, so I felt myself panicking a bit. Montey seemed to notice.

"You okay?" Montey asked. I nodded, but she gave me a 'Tell me. NOW.' look. I sighed.

"I've never been in a car." I admitted. Montey looked confused for a moment then went "Ooooohhhhh... Yea, you're from a different dimension or something. Forgot, sorry."

"No problem." I chuckled. I looked over Montey's head at Darius then. "Who else is going to the mall but us and Madge?" I asked.

"Um. It's us, Madge, Thresh, I think Glimmer, and Gale." Darius listed.

"Glimmer?" Montey said distastefully. Darius nodded. "Why are we bringing her?"

"She asked to come." Darius shrugged. Montey sighed and rolled her eyes. Darius just continued talking about a different topic. "So, you guys realize Madge and Gale, right?"

"Yea, they most definitely have a little somethin' somethin' going on between them." I said, chuckling slightly. Montey squealed. Yes, squealed.

"Omigosh! They would be SUCH a cute couple!" She said, looking as if she was trying not to scream from aborableness.  I sigh.

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