Chapter Eleven: Why Me?

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Jaime pulled Danny on the bus. The first thing I saw was shocked lookd from the others. 

"What happened, Hi-me?" asked Kellin, standing. "Did you punch that kid in the face?"

"N-" started Jaime, but Danny pointed a bloody finger at me. 

"That fucking bitch punched me in the face!" he snarled, spitting a little. I flinched and started at him again, my fists raised. He shied away instantly and Tony pulled me back from Danny. 

"You shut your fucking mouth right now!" I shouted at him. "You're a fucking liar!" 

"Woah, woah, woah." Tony muttered, pulling me into the other room. Oli and Austin followed along with Mike and Vic, all interested. The others were just looking at the scene and some left for a smoke, laughing and escaping the awkwardness. "Terra, did you punch him in the face?" 

I yanked my arm out of his grasp and started pacing. "No...yeah...well...I did, but not randomly!" 

My hands started to shake as I began to pace again. 

"Fucking psyco cunt!" roared Danny's voice. I stood on the couch and cupped my hands around my mouth making a megaphone. 

"Fucking needle dick!" I screamed and started listing off all these things that I wouldn't even call Maria. 

Tony's wide eyes stared at me. Oli and Austin was smirking. Vic looked confused and Mike looked proud of me. 

"Sit down, Terra." Tony said sternly to me. I huffed and obeyed. 

"What happened?" Tony asked, standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I snarled and narrowed my eyes. I was up again, pacing. 

"I went outside to get some fresh air, and fucking fan girls stood at the gate, tellin me how cute Vic was." Vic blushed. "Then this FUCKING FUCK FACE started talking shit. I gave him a CHANCE to take it back. He didn't and just kept insulting me. So I punched him." I said it simply and sat back down on the couch. 

"What was he saying?" Tony asked, his tone a bit softer. 

"Nothing." I said quickly, looking at my feet. I could already feel pools of tears forming. 

"Terra-" Vic started. 

"That's right, you little bitch!" Danny snarled. "Fucking cry about it!" 

I gritted my teeth and crashed through the wall of men who stood in the door way, squeezing inbetween them. Jaime looked up at me with wide eyes and Danny smirked. I drew back my fist and punched him as hard as I could in the jaw. 

Danny's face went from glee to horror and he went crashing to the ground, unconcious. There was a breif second of silence and I fell on the ground, nursing my hand. 

"Ahh! Ooo!! Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" I shouted, kissing my knuckles. I felt hands help me up to my feet and ice was pushed onto my knuckles. I hissed in a breath and saw Tony holding the ice for me, his eyes staring at me. 

Austin crouched down and checked on Danny. "He's still breathing. She just knocked him out." 

"Nice job, Terra." Mike muttered, nudging me slightly. I beamed. Tony gave him a sharp look. 

"Shut up, Mike. Don't encourage her." 

Austin gave a sigh and lifted Danny off the ground and placed him in his bunk with some ice, waiting for him to wake up. 

"I'll go tell the fans outside what happened." Offered Kellin. He and Jesse climbed out of the bus. Oli rubbed his arm awkwardly and Nicholls rubbed his neck, grinning. The rest of BMTH had left earlier, same with the rest of SWS. Tino, Phil, and Aaron must've gone with them. I was left with a very awkward group of men which consisted of Tony, Alan, Austin, Vic, Mike, Jaime, Kellin, Jesse, Oli, and Nicholls. I sighed and looked up at them. Kellin was giggling about how when he was telling the fans about what happened to Danny, he had snagged a really hot girl's number who was Danny's best friend. When he finsihed, they all sat on the couch looking expectantly at me. 

Mike sat next to me, nudging me. "You have an awesome right hook." he complimented. Tony looked like he was about to explode. 

"What did he say to you, Terra?" he asked, rubbing his face. "You can't go around punching people for talking shit." 

"It wasn't just shit!" I snapped. "he was getting on my fucking nerves! He shouldn't have even said those things to me! Fucking insecure bitch." 

"So what did he say?" Tony asked calmly. I sighed. 

"He said you only adopted me for an attention stunt." I whispered, barely audible.  "And he said you'd get bored of me and throw me away. He said I was like garbage to you guys." Even though I breathed it, they all heard it. Everyone shook their heads and Jaime let out a deep breath. 

"Damn. Tone, I would have punched him too." He told Tony, standing in my defense. Tony sighed deeply. 

"You know that's not true, right?" he asked after a moment of silence. I breathed out deeply. 

"I don't even know what to believe in anymore." I groaned. "I'm sorry I lost my temper." 

Austin let out a laugh. It was dry and awkward. "Don't apologize. He's a fucking douche bag for saying that to you." 

"Yeah." agreeed Oli. "I would have grabbed the fence and slammed his face into it." 

Chuckles were earned and laughter came back in. Tony slowly took my hand. "Let me see." 

I showed him my swollen knuckles. He shook his head, smiling. "For what it's worth..." Tony whispered. "You can pack a punch." 

I smiled. "Thanks, Dad." Tony smiled wider. 

Suddenly, we all heard a groan from the bunk room. I gritted my teeth and looked up at the bunk room. 

"Go check on him," Tony said to me. I gave him a look that read: What? Are you trying to kill me? "C'mon, Terra. Please? You don't even have to apologize. Just go check on him." 

I heaved a great sigh and dragged myself into the bunk room. Mike started talking about how I could punch out anyone and that they'd better not get on my bad side. Soon they were all laughing and talking as if nothing had happened. 

I walked to Alan's bunk that held a beaten up Danny. I ran shaky fingers through my hair and bent down carefully to look into the cot. Danny had his hands rubbing his jaw, looking around, quizically. When his eyes landed on me, his expression went blank. 

"Fuck." he muttered. I looked at him and sighed. 

"Look," I said sitting on my heels. My eyes were only visible to him. He looked at me wearily. "I'm...I guess...I'm kind of...I'm sorry for punching you. But you can't just go saying shit like that! Like what the fuck." I watched as he blushed a crimson. "I mean...I know you probably were in the heat, trying to be cool around those girls, but I have feelings too, and-" 

I was cut off by him grabbing my lanyard and yanking me towards him. Right when I was about to scream, he placed his lips on mine and kissed me. I just stood there, awkwardly. He...why was he kissing me? I was bent in an awkward position, halfway in the bunk, halfway not. 

His hand left my lanyard and touched the side of my face. I flinched back and slammed my hand into his groin out of pure instinct. He gave out a startled cry and let go of me. I fell back and landed on my ass. 

They boys looked up at me and frowned. Danny gave out a loud moan in pain and slowly rolled out of the cot, landing on me. I snapped up and pushed him off me. I pointed at the door, touching my lips. 

"Get the fuck out." I told him quietly. Danny gave me a quick pained smile and stood and waddled to the door. He looked like a lost duck. When he walked out the door, Austin cocked his head at me. 

"What happened? Did you hit him again?" 

I looked up at the ten men, my hand still over my mouth.

"Ter, did he say something to you?" Vic asked, cracking his knuckles. "Cos I'll beat him up, I swear to God-" 

I held up a hand, and started to shake. "No...he..." 

Tony stood, about to walk to me to comfort me. I just stood there, staring. 

"What did he do?" He asked softly, about to reach me. 

"He...he fucking kissed me!" I gasped and I raced into the bathroom, locking the door. 

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