12. Time apart

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[RECAP: Matt really misses Cara after she flies home and is determined to break up with his self-centred celebrity girlfriend Miggy.]

"Nothing happened with you and that girl, did it?"

Matt was so startled by the question that he nearly knocked his beer over.

Chris, a fast bowler and one of his closest mates on the team, was looking at him intently. They were having a drink after arriving at the hotel ahead of the second test.

Matt played for time. "What on earth makes you ask that?"

"Everyone saw what happened that first night, there was a bit of talk in the dressing room. You've been AWOL all week." Chris hesitated. "Jaffo's been stirring it up a bit as well."

Jeremy Afford. Matt felt like wringing his neck. "What's he saying?"

"That you elbowed him out of the way at the party the other night, when he was talking to her. The same girl."

Right at that moment Matt wished he'd punched Jeremy's lights out. Perhaps he still would.

"Next time you publish the social diary, you can put any rumours to rest. As you know, I've got a girlfriend," he said.

"Everyone does know. That's why there was talk," Chris told him. "Let's face it, she was pretty stunning. No one could blame you."

Damn them all. Things were complicated enough without this. Matt felt defensive. And once again annoyed at other men leering over Cara.

"I barely spoke to her." He kept his tone neutral and hoped he sounded convincing. "I don't know what you mean by AWOL either. I've been out with the rest of you every night." He knew he had nearly always been the earliest to leave, but that wasn't unexpected for a captain. He wasn't supposed to be drinking until dawn.

"More a state of mind. You've been distant." Chris called for another round of drinks. "If there is something the matter and you need an ear, well, you know I owe you one. More than one."

There was genuine concern in Chris's face. Matt had been there for him when his marriage broke down a couple of years ago. Bringing round takeaways every night, dragging him out to the pub so he didn't drown his sorrows alone. Since Matt had met Miggy they'd seen less of one another, except at cricket, but the bond was still there.

Chris didn't care for Miggy, he thought she seemed high maintenance and demanding, but he wanted Matt to be happy. He assumed Matt's stress was related to his high profile girlfriend in some way. He couldn't think what else could be bothering him.

"No, it's all good." Matt drained his drink and picked up the next one. He didn't meet Chris in the eye, and they both knew he was lying.

Maybe he'd unburden himself later, maybe he wouldn't, Chris thought. Either way Matt was resilient. He'd figure it out somehow, whatever it was.

"Just shut Afford up if you can. You know what it's like. I don't need something like that getting out."

So it was true then. Chris wondered if Matt realised he'd given himself away. It would be fireworks if Miggy found out.

* * *

Ann, Cara's best friend and flatmate at university, was delighted with the gemstone necklace Cara had bought her as a souvenir. Cara had finally finished unpacking and they were sitting on the sofa having coffee.

"I'm sorry I didn't send a postcard, I figured I would arrive back before it did," Cara said.

"Don't worry about that! Tell me what it was like, did you have a good time? You didn't spend all your time thinking about Declan did you?"

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