Werewolf Forest::Chapter 29

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We were the only two left in the yard. We stared each other down, glares piercing like bullets. She stalked toward me like an angry bull and my muscles tensed instinctively. She stood but two inches from my face, our noses almost touching.

“You broke the rules,” The words hissed from her mouth like a snake warding off a predator. “You need to have Connor with you at all times.”

“He gave us permission,” I said calmly, crossing my arms over my chest. I kept my face blank, my eyes as barren as the Sahara. Her eyes were glowing with red-hot anger.

“Don’t think you’re above the rules, you little bitch. Just because you’re some kind of super-creature doesn’t mean that you’re better than me!” She took another step forward, putting us toe to toe. I tried to control my anger, but I could feel the wolf in me roaring to get out. I felt the need to slash my claws across her face, tearing flesh from bone. My wolf rammed against its cage, angry, desperate.  

What Is your problem?” I growled, breaking my vacant expression. “Why do you have it out for me? Why did you throw me in that cell? What the hell did I ever do to you?”

“You stole my father!” Silence took the yard. She was breathing heavily, a murderous glare in her eyes. I was at a loss to respond.

“What are you talking about?” I breathed, taking a step back.

She chuckled, sorrowful and empty. “They never told you?”

“Told me what?” My chest felt as if something was pressing hard against it. My mind searched for any possible explanation for her accusation, but it found none.

“Andrew used to talk about you. All the time,” she laughed at this. “It was just annoying at first. But then he told me your parents’ names. And I made the connection. Imagine my surprise when you showed up here.”

“What the hell are you going on about, Sasha?” I stared at her, confused.

“You see, eighteen years ago, your father had an affair…with my mother.” Time seemed to stop in that moment. “When she got pregnant, he promised to leave his wife for her. He was going to marry her and help raise me, but then your little whore mother tricked him somehow and got pregnant too. He said that he couldn’t leave her. He said “it was a mistake” and that he “loved his wife”. A mistake. My mother was not a mistake! My mom had me all alone… and then she started drinking. Every night I had to clean up her vomit and drag her into her bed. It was because of you! It’s your fault my childhood was drowned in beer bottles. Andrew used to talk about you, how great you were how nice you were. It was you dammit!”

The shock overwhelmed me as I took it all in. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said slowly.

“Oh don’t I? You had the perfect little life didn’t you? You were daddy’s little girl?”

I felt my hands clench into fists at my side. “You don’t know what he was like.”

“Oh let me guess… He never let you do what you wanted? He was so lame? He wouldn’t let you stay out until one in the morning? He wouldn’t let you go to parties?” She teased.

My jaw clenched and it took all my will to keep from slamming her against wall of the house. “No, actually. When I was five I was daddy’s little girl. But only because I didn’t know him. One night I heard screaming downstairs. I ran down only to find my mother on the ground. She was covered in blood and my father was standing over her with a broken bottle in his hand. I ran upstairs and from that night on, he didn’t even bother to hide what he was form me. He would beat my mother right in front of me. And when the drunken bastard caused the car crash that killed my mother, he switched to me. See this?” I lifted up my shirt and pointed to the jagged white scar on my side. “That was my thirteenth birthday present, signed daddy dearest. You don’t want my life. You don’t want my father. I’m sorry for what he did to you and your mom, But you life wouldn’t have been a hell of a lot better if he was there. Trust me.”

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